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Bottled dinosaur roarHarvesting produce from Bagrada rex, Corbicula rex, and Pavosaurus rex at the Ranch Out of Time.10.7k gpNoYes
Bottle on a stringMade by combining empty bottle and cloth strip.---YesYes
Bottle of wineBought from Fortunato's Fine Wine shop at Draynor Village. 0 gpNoNo
Bottle of mistPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Bottle of crushed berriesPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Bottle of blood (Unicorn)Found on a shelf within the Blood bank of the Nodon Front.---YesYes
Bottle of blood (Human)Found on a shelf within the Blood bank of the Nodon Front.---YesYes
Bottle of blood (Dragon)Found on a shelf within the Blood bank of the Nodon Front.---YesYes
Bottle of blood (Aviansie)Found on a shelf within the Blood bank of the Nodon Front.---YesYes
Bottle of bloodGiven to the player by Valentina Kaust on the second tier of Darkmeyer.---YesYes
Bottle of acidMade by combining Dragonkin food, Bag of Crystals, and the potion in the latrine; then using the Bottle on a string to retrieve the acid.---YesYes
BottleIn the dungeon under the Chaos Altar in the level 12 Wilderness.---YesYes
Botanist's trousersObtained as a prize from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Botanist's topObtained as a prize from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Botanist's mask add-onWon from Treasure Hunter; Purchased from Flash Powder Factory for 1,000 Brianpoints.---NoYes
Botanist's maskObtained as a prize from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Botanist's glovesObtained as a prize from the Treasure Hunter update.---NoYes
Botanist's bootsObtained as a prize from the Treasure Hunter minigame.---NoYes
Botanist's amuletPlayer made (See Notes Section).13.5k gpNoYes
Boots of WinterTreasure hunter promotion.---NoNo
Boots of SummerTreasure hunter promotion.---NoNo
Boots of subjugationMonster drop.4.9m gpNoYes
Boots of SpringTreasure hunter promotion.---NoNo
Boots of SeasonsTreasure Hunter promotion.24.2m gpNoNo
Boots of lightnessFound in the Temple of Ikov basement.---NoYes
Boots of AutumnTreasure hunter promotion.---NoNo
Boots (yellow)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,419 gpNoYes
Boots (turquoise)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.539 gpNoYes
Boots (teal)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.666 gpNoYes
Boots (red)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,238 gpNoYes
Boots (purple)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,423 gpNoYes
Boots (pink)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.780 gpNoYes
Boots (grey)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.793 gpNoYes
Boots (green)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.568 gpNoYes
Boots (cream)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.994 gpNoYes
Boots (blue)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.1,445 gpNoYes
Boot (Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf)It is one of the items found when you open a Package.---YesYes
Boon of vibrant energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of sparkling energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of radiant energyPlayer made (see below).0 gpNoNo
Boon of lustrous energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of luminous energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of incandescent energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of glowing energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of gleaming energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of flickering energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of elder energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of brilliant energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Boon of bright energyPlayer made (see below).---NoNo
Book switcherThis can be created at your Invention workbench.---NoYes
Book page 3Obtained while mining a rock of your choice in the Dwarven Mines.---YesYes
Book page 2Search a mine cart in the Dwarven Mines.---YesYes
Book page 1Dropped by Scorpions (level 14) and King scorpions (level 32) in the Dwarven Mines.---YesYes
Book on costumesRespawns on a bookcase in Keldagrim's library.---YesYes
Book on ChickensSearching the Wise Old Man's house in Draynor Village on a book shelf.---NoNo
Book on chemicalsSearch the bookcases at the Exam Centre, South East of Varrock.---YesYes
Book on baxtorianFound in a bookcase upstairs in Hadley's house, South of the Baxtorian Falls.---YesYes
Book of the underworldQuest reward from Missing, Presumed Death.---NoNo
Book of the GodsGiven to you by your first chosen God Emissary.---NoNo
Book of portraitureFound by searching the drawers in Sithik Ints' room in Yanille.---YesYes
Book of knowledgeReward from a Random Event gift box (after you have finished the Classroom random event) and a reward from The Elemental Workshop III quest.---NoNo
Book of haricantoFound by digging on Dragontooth Island.---YesYes
Book of folkloreWise Old Man's house, search one of the bookshelves.---NoNo
Book of equilibriumObtained as a reward after completion of The Void Stares Back quest.---NoYes
Book of diplomacyBought from Mr Ex.---NoNo
Book of 'h.a.m'Searching the wardrobe in Sithik Ints' room in Yanille.---YesYes
Book (Shield of Arrav)Found after searching the bookcase in the Varrock Library.---YesNo
Book (Ratcatchers)Given to you by Jimmy Dazzler in East Ardougne.---YesYes
Book (Plague City)Given to you by Jethick.---YesYes
Boogie bowObtained from Hey Presto during the 200m Account event (See Notes section).---NoYes
BooBooCan be found in a swamp tree just west of the mausoleum in the Icyene graveyard.---NoYes
Bonus XP star (small)Obtained as a reward from various event items, such as from the 2018 Christmas cracker crate.---NoNo
Bonus XP star (medium)Obtained as a reward from various event items, such as from the 2018 Christmas cracker crate.---NoNo
Bonus XP star (large)Obtained as a reward from various event items, such as from the 2018 Christmas cracker crate.---NoNo
Bonesack(e)Reward from the Fur 'n' Seek quest.---YesYes