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Branch (Violet is Blue)Obtained from a tree to the South West of Trevor at the third puzzle.---YesNo
Branding iron (damaged)Obtained by excavating Dis dungeon debris; Obtained by completing Infernal Source Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Brass handPlayer made (see below).---YesYes
Brass Hand Harry's markPlayer made (see below).---YesYes
Brassican amuletPlayer made (see notes).---YesNo
Brassican amulet (unstrung)Player made(see notes).---YesNo
Brave bloodrager pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Brave deathslinger pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Brave hoardstalker pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Brave skinweaver pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Brave stormbringer pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Brave worldbearer pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Bravek's listGiven by Bravek in West Ardougne.---YesYes
Bravery potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Brawler's blood necklacePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Brawler's hook necklacePurchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim for 15,000 Dungeoneering tokens.---NoNo
Brawler's jab necklacePurchased from the Rewards trader in Daemonheim for 6,500 Dungeoneering tokens.---NoNo
Brawler's knockout necklacePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Agility)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Hefin workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Cooking)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Fishing)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (FM)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Crwys workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Hunter)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Magic)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Cadarn workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Melee)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Iorwerth workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Mining)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Trahaearn workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Prayer)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Hefin workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Ranged)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Cadarn workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Smithing)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Trahaearn workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (Thieving)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Brawling gloves (WC)Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Crwys workers in Prifddinas.---NoYes
Bre'egth's toothPickpocketing K'Chunk on an island outside of Mos Le'Harmless.---YesYes
BreadcrumbsPlayer Made (See Notes section).---YesYes
Breathing saltsGiven to you by the Apothecary, in Varrock, after showing him an Airtight pot.---YesYes
Brewin' guideThe Trouble Brewing waiting lobby and by the bookcases of your Player-Owned House.---NoYes
Brian's letterPick pocketed from a H.A.M. agent in Sigmund's base during The Chosen Commander.---YesYes
BrickPried loose from your cell wall with a plate.---YesYes
Bridge sectionPlayer made using a (local) log on your team's workbench.---YesYes
Bright memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Bright Wisp Colony Between Varrock and the Digsite.
Bright reindeer-terrorbird mountObtained during the Christmas event of 2016.---NoNo
Brightfire potion (1)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Brightfire potion (2)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Brightfire potion (3)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Brightfire potion (4)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Brightfire potion (5)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Brightfire potion (6)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Brilliant memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Brilliant Wisp Colony East of the Mage Training Arena.
Mage Training Arena
Brimhaven tabletPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Broad arrowsBuy from Slayer Masters in Burthorpe, Canifis, Edgeville Dungeon, Shilo Village and Zanaris (Lost City).---NoYes
BroavPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Broccoli rootFound in the food trough, located in the rat pen, just East of the Gower's house.---YesNo
Broccoli stringMade by spinning the Broccoli root on a spinning wheel.---YesNo
Broken anvil amuletPicked up with the high quality ore dropped by the Living rock brawler in the Southwest mine in Varrock.---YesNo
Broken armourRandom result of Trawler fishing, Digsite digging, or searching crates/boxes/sacks.---NoYes
Broken arrowFound searching crates or boxes at the Digsite, the Ogre hills (just south of Yanille), and by stealing from HAM members.

Monster drop.
Broken barrel bitsBarrel puzzle in the Furnished theme. 0 gpNoYes
Broken cannonPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Broken cannon barrelFound on the third table West of Isak in the Cannon repair chamber.---NoYes
Broken cannon baseEastern-most table in the cannon repair room of the Artisan's Workshop.---NoYes
Broken cannon cogReceived when emptying the Broken cannon base.---NoYes
Broken cannon furnaceFound on the Western-most table near Isak in the Cannon repair chamber.---NoYes
Broken cannon standFound on the second table West of Isak in the Cannon repair chamber.---NoYes
Broken climbing hook head It can be found in a crate in the puzzle room, and should be repaired on the anvil to create a Climbing hook head.0 gpNoYes
Broken compassFound West of the shipwreck on the beach in Anachronia.---NoYes
Broken crab clawPlayer made.0 gpNoYes
Broken crab shellThe Broken crab shell is a the result of failing to craft a fresh crab shell into crab helmet.---NoYes
Broken deviceGiven to you by the Head mourner, in West Ardougne.---YesYes
Broken dishesPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Broken fishing rod (Deep Sea)Found while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant.---NoYes
Broken fishing rod (Mudskipper Point)Mudskipper Point (South of Port Sarim).---NoYes
Broken flintFound when dismantling a Broken cannon furnace.---NoYes
Broken focusFound by searching the shelves North East of The Archivist.---YesYes
Broken fuse boxFound when dismantling a Broken cannon furnace.---NoYes
Broken glassFishing platform, the Digsite, possible find from searching boxed, crates, sacks, and chest. Six of them also respawn, in the home of the Drunken Dwarf, in eastern Keldagrim. ---YesYes
Broken handRocking Out quest---NoYes