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Beetle bitsPurchased from pet shops in Taverley or Yanille.2,044 gpNoYes
Black full helmBought from Valaine in the Champions' Guild southwest of Varrock.2,042 gpNoNo
Barley maltPlayer Made. (See Notes Section)2,032 gpNoYes
Bandit Camp TeleportPossible reward from Reward casket: (easy), (medium), (hard), (elite), or (master). 2,014 gpNoYes
Bronze minotaur pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section.)2,012 gpNoYes
Black nailsZogre coffins
Found while mining rubble in the basement of the Burgh De Rott Inn during the In Aid of the Myreque.
1,999 gpNoYes
Bronze halberdBought from Quartermaster in Tyras Camp.1,999 gpNoYes
Bowl of hot waterPlayer made using a Bowl of water on a range.1,978 gpNoYes
Bagged plant 1Bought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.1,899 gpNoYes
Blue dragonhide bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,895 gpNoNo
BaguetteBought from Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne.1,893 gpNoNo
Bomb vialPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Jatix and the Meilyr Shop (Lady Meilyr or Harmony pillar farmer).1,821 gpNoYes
Ball of woolPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Bought from Aemad in East Ardougne, Jofridr Mordstatter on Neitiznot, Hamab on Ape Atoll, Nolar in Keldagrim, and Oronwen in Lletya. 1,805 gpYesNo
Baby impling jarPuro-Puro.1,787 gpNoYes
Bronze platelegsPlay made (see notes); Monster drop; Bought from Louie Legs in Al Kharid, the Gnome Shopkeeper in Burthorpe and Horvik in Varrock.1,760 gpNoNo
Bacon cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).1,730 gpNoYes
BarleyPlayer made (See notes).1,705 gpNoNo
Batwing hoodPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,705 gpNoNo
Bruise blue snelm (pointed)Player made (See Notes Section).1,687 gpNoYes
Body talismanMonster Drop; Purchased from Wizard Elriss.1,679 gpNoNo
BolasMade from two Excrescence and a Mutated vine.1,672 gpNoYes
Black dragonhideMonster drop; Harvesting produce from Black dragons at the Manor farm.1,666 gpNoYes
Black bootsMonster drop.1,662 gpNoYes
Broodoo shield (10) (yellow)Player made (See Notes Section).1,651 gpNoYes
Black KnifeMonster dropped.1,605 gpNoNo
Burnt bonesRespawns in the Demonic Ruins and Red Dragon Isle, both located in the wilderness.1,543 gpNoNo
Blue firelighterPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Any level Clue scroll); Possible reward from a Fire spirit.1,540 gpNoYes
Broodoo shield (10) (green)Player made (See Notes Section).1,510 gpNoYes
Bat bonesMonster drop.1,503 gpNoNo
Blamish red shell (round)Monster drop.1,500 gpNoYes
Broodoo shield (10) (blue)Player made (See Notes Section).1,468 gpNoYes
Boots (blue)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.1,445 gpNoYes
Boots (purple)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,423 gpNoYes
Boots (yellow)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,419 gpNoYes
Barker toad pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,399 gpNoYes
Blamish red shell (pointed)Dropped by Blood Blamish Snail located in the north-east part of Mort Myre Swamp.1,310 gpNoYes
Batwing glovesPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,290 gpNoNo
Beak snotHarvesting produce from Arcane apoterrasaur, Spicati apoterrasaur, and Oculi apoterrasaur at the Ranch Out of Time.1,255 gpNoYes
Bowl of waterPlayer made (see notes section); Bought from the and Bedabin Camp.1,253 gpNoNo
Boots (red)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.1,238 gpNoYes
Bagged dead treeBought from the Garden supplier in Falador Park.1,199 gpNoYes
Bittercap mushroom sporePickpocketed from Master Farmers.1,196 gpNoYes
Black beadMonster drop.1,175 gpYesNo
Batwing bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,170 gpNoNo
Blue dragon leatherPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,161 gpNoNo
Bronze warhammerBought from Skulgrimen in Rellekka and Vigr (or Seiglinde if you chose to exile or execute Vigr in Birthright of the Dwarves) in Keldagrim; Player made (See Notes Section).1,157 gpNoNo
BreadPlayer made (See Notes Section); Food Store in Port Sarim; Stolen from a Baker's Stall.1,118 gpNoNo
Black wizard shieldPlayer made (see notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System .1,109 gpNoNo
Bread doughPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.1,101 gpNoNo
Big fishing netPurchased at Fishing Shops; Respawns in the Fishing Guild.1,092 gpNoYes
Bone clubBought from Nardok in the Dorgeshuun caves.1,092 gpNoYes
Blue dragon scaleBlue dragons lair in 2 places within the Taverley members dungeon. The first spot is the main enclosure for the Blue Dragons which requires either a Dusty key to access, an Agility level of 70 and above, or an Agility level of 65 with a Summer pie to use the Agility pipe.1,086 gpNoYes
Bowl (unfired)Player made.1,024 gpNoNo
Bull ant pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,019 gpNoYes
Bandit's brewBought from Bartender in the Desert Bandit Camp.1,000 gpNoYes
Boots (cream)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.994 gpNoYes
BarkChopped from Hollow trees in the swamp, east of Canifis.991 gpNoYes
Brown apronThey can be purchased at Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock. It can also be received from Malignius Mortifer, who is located north-east of Rimmington after the Swan Song quest, or be withdrawn from a tool store 3 in a player-owned house. 985 gpNoNo
Baked potatoPlayer made (See Notes Section). 982 gpNoYes
Black wizard bootsPlayer made (see notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System .968 gpNoNo
Black wizard glovesPlayer made (see notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System .951 gpNoNo
BrandyFunch's Fine Groceries in the Grand Tree at the Tree Gnome Stronghold.945 gpNoYes
Beer glassRemnant after drinking beer, Player made, in the shelves of the Sorceress's house (South-East of Al-Kharid Palace), and inside the Shelves in the kitchen in your POH.924 gpNoNo
Ball of black woolYou can get Ball of black wool from spinning Black wool on a spinning wheel.909 gpNoNo
Bacon heapObtained from Eli during the quest. Player Made (See Notes Section).893 gpNoYes
Blue dragonhideMonster drop; Harvesting produce from Blue dragons at the Manor farm.892 gpNoNo
Bull hornsHarvesting produce from Bulls at the Manor farm.858 gpNoYes
BowstringPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop.826 gpNoNo
Blue blossom seedPurchased from Papa Mambo in Herblore Habitat.798 gpNoYes
Boots (grey)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.793 gpNoYes
Boots (pink)Bought from Rometti for 200 coins.780 gpNoYes
Bolt mouldBought from Dommik in Al Kharid and the crafting shop in Rimmington.755 gpNoNo
Butterfly netPurchased from Hunter stores in Yanille and Nardah, given to you by Elnock Inquisitor, and player made (See Notes Section).742 gpNoYes
Bolt of clothBought from Bill at Fort Forinthry and the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas.738 gpNoYes
Bird snarePurchased from Hunter stores in Yanille and Nardah and player made (See Notes Section).726 gpNoNo