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Glowing air runeMade by using a Prepared air rune on a Grey vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing chaos runeMade by using a Prepared chaos rune on a Red vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing cosmic runeMade by using a Prepared cosmic rune on a Grey vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing crackerThis was a possible prize for opening a Small or Big Christmas present from the Head elf between December 3rd 2014 and December 16th 2014.---NoNo
Glowing daggerUpon killing Viyeldi, in the dungeon below the Kharazi Jungle, the Dark dagger will turn into this dagger.---YesYes
Glowing earth runeMade by using a Prepared earth rune on a Green vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing emberPicked up in Char's Training Cave, west of the Tree Gnome Stronghold.---NoYes
Glowing energyHarvested from Glowing wisps and Glowing springs south-east of Seers' Village.410 gpNoYes
Glowing fire runeMade by using a Prepared fire rune on a Red vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing fungusPicked near pools on the fourth floor of the Abandoned Mine, in the southern part of the Mort Myre Swamp.---YesYes
Glowing law runeMade by using a Prepared law rune on a Blue vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing memoryCollected while harvesting Divination springs at the Glowing Wisp Colony North East of the Sorcerer's Tower, South of Seers' Village
Seers' Village
Glowing nature runeMade by using a Prepared nature rune on a Green vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
Glowing orbReceived from Seren.---YesYes
Glowing water runeMade by using a Prepared water rune on a Blue vortex in the ruins underneath the Wizards' Tower.---YesYes
GnarlyPersuading Gnarly inside the Tooth Fairy's house to get the fairy wand.---YesYes
Gnome amuletReceived from King Bolren.---YesYes
Gnome emissary fragmentFound by using the Memory wand on various items throughout the quest.---YesYes
Gnome engramFound at a dead end in the South central part of the Tree Gnome Village Maze (See Notes for location image).---NoYes
Gnome engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Gnome gogglesGnome Restaurant mini-game.1.2m gpNoYes
Gnome platebodyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Gnome royal sealKing Narnode Shareen.---YesYes
Gnome scarfPossible reward from Gnome Restaurant mini-game.103.5m gpNoYes
Gnome spiceThe Grand Tree cooking shops.983 gpNoYes
GnomeballTree Gnome Stronghold, speak to the Gnome ball referee.0 gpNoYes
Gnomebowl mouldPurchased from Hudo; Found in the Kitchen cabinet in Hudo's kitchen; Monster Drop.0 gpNoYes
Goat horn dustPlayer made. 1,189 gpNoYes
Goblin BasherThis item can be obtained by redeeming a blue pre-paid game card. This item was also give to the Gold Premium members upon release. 0 gpNoYes
Goblin bookDropped by Goblins(level 2, 5, and 13).---NoNo
Goblin cower shieldDrop from one of the goblin bosses in Goblin Village.---NoYes
Goblin kitchen keySearch one of the chests in the dungeon under the Observatory.---YesYes
Goblin mailMonster drop.4,851 gpYesNo
Goblin potionPlayer made (See Notes Section)---YesYes
Goblin skullKill a Goblin during the Rag and Bone Man quest.---YesYes
Goblin squad (heavy)Bought during the Mobilising Armies mini-game..---NoYes
Goblin squad (heavy) (defeated)Can be found during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Goblin squad (light)Bought during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Goblin squad (light) (defeated)Can be found during the Mobilising Armies mini-game.---NoYes
Goblin symbol bookFound on a bookcase in Varrock Castle Library.---YesYes
Goblin village sphereBought from Oldak in Dorgesh-Kaan for 2 Law runes and a piece of Molten glass. ---NoYes
God wars teleport Player Made (See Notes).9,952 gpNoYes
Godless ceremonial robe bottomObtained via Diango.---NoNo
Godless ceremonial robe topObtained via Diango.---NoNo
Godsword bladePlayer made (See Notes Section). 601.4k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 1Monster drop. 154.9k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 2Monster drop.150.5k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 3Monster drop.151.0k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (1 & 2)Player Made (See Notes section).311.0k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (1 & 3)Player Made (See Notes section).302.0k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (2 & 3)Player Made (see notes section).312.3k gpNoYes
Goebie backpack override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.317.2k gpNoNo
Goebie burial charmLiberation of Mazcab.---NoYes
Goebie disguise kitObtained from Lunch after offering to trade him the Magic flute four times.---NoYes
Goebie relicNo longer found. But still available if they were kept after the event.---NoYes
Gofannon amuletReceived as quest reward from Doric.---YesNo
Gold accumulatorBought from the Rewards trader at Daemonheim.---NoYes
Gold amuletPlayer made (See Notes Section); Port Sarim jewelry store.1,547 gpNoNo
Gold amulet (unstrung)Player made (See Notes Section).566 gpNoNo
Gold Armadylean tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold athlete's gloves Bought for 1,000 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's hatBought for 1,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's legsBought for 1,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's shirtBought for 1,500 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold athlete's shoesBought for 1,000 Contribution points at the Gielinor Games reward shop (only during the summer of 2012).---NoYes
Gold Bandosian tokenPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Gold barRespawns in the basement of the West Varrock bank (requires 33 Magic for the Telekinetic Grab spell); Player Made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.2,292 gpNoNo
Gold bowlPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Gold bowl (blessed w/pure water)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Gold braceletPlayer made (See notes).758 gpNoYes
Gold cannon barrelsBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold cannon baseBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold cannon furnaceBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold cannon standBought from Elof in the Artisans' Workshop dungeon.---NoYes
Gold charmClaimed for free from Pikkupstix in Taverley; Monster Drop; Player Made (See Notes); Reward for completing Wolf Whistle (275 charms); Stolen from Average and Rich chests in Dorgesh-Kaan; Bought from Nomad or Zimberfizz for 4 Soul Wars Zeal; Possible reward for burning a Vyrewatch corpse; Looted from a Spirit impling; Pickpocketed from Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.---NoNo