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Supreme strength potion (1)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Supreme strength potion (2)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Supreme strength potion (3)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Supreme strength potion (4)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Supreme strength potion (5)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Supreme strength potion (6)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Suqah hideMonster Drop.---YesYes
Suqah leatherMade by paying Rimae Sirsalis 100 coins to tan your Suqah hide.---NoYes
Suqah toothMonster drop; Traded from Skulgrimen (See Notes).---YesYes
Surfboard emote tokenObtained by skilling on the beach, killing Clawdia, or purchased from Flo for 33 Runecoins.---NoNo
Surfboard shield tokenA Surfboard shield token is an item that can be won from a summer piñata loot bag, received upon destroying a summer loot piñata.0 gpNoYes
Surok's letterGiven to you by Surok Magis, at the Varrock Library.---YesYes
SurveyGiven to you by Freda, at her house west of Burthorpe, in exchange for Spiked boots.---NoNo
Survivalist's potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Survivor's journalFound West of the shipwreck on the beach of Anachronia.---NoYes
Suspect sketchObtained during the While Guthix Sleeps quest.---YesYes
Suspicious noteReceived from Doric.---NoNo
Sven's last mapReceived from Olaf Hradson after giving Ingrid Hradson a crude carving, giving Volf Olafson a cruder carving, giving food to Olaf, and relighting his fire with damp planks.---YesYes
Swag bagOnce a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune; Randomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Swagger stickOnce a reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune; Randomly obtained from opening large parcels (May 2018).---NoYes
Swamp lizard quota ticketBought at the reward shop of the Big Chinchompa Distraction and Diversion for 10 points.---NoYes
Swanky bootsReward from the Gunnar's Ground quest.---YesNo
SweetgrubBy using raw rat meet on a sweetgrub mound.0 gpNoYes
SweetsTrick children near lumbridge who are trick or treating. ---NoNo
Swift glovesClaimed from the Strange Face in the Dominion Tower lobby after killing 500 bosses.---NoYes
Sword blueprintsNo longer found within game, though they still exist if found or won in 2013.---NoNo
Sword fragmentPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Sword of Edicts engramFound at the base of the Sword of Edicts in the Wilderness, near the Divination wisps (See Notes for location image).---NoYes
Sword of Edicts engram (charged)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Sword Polishing KitPurchased from Egil's Artisans' Workshop rewards shop.---NoYes
Sword pommelSearch the tomb dolmen in Bervirius's tomb on Cairn Isle.---YesYes
Swordfish (Raktuber)Located on a hat-rack, on the penguin submarine.---YesYes
Swordfish glovesPurchased from the Fist of Guthix lobby.---NoNo
Symptoms listGiven to you by Fairy Nuff, at her house north of Zanaris' bank.---YesYes
Swamp pastePlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from the Port Khazard General Stores, Trader Crewmember at most ports, Razmire Keelgan's Building Supply Store in Mort'ton, and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild.3 gpNoYes
Steel off hand dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).7 gpNoNo
Steel dartPlayer made (see notes).8 gpNoNo
Shoe boxPlayer made using 2 Planks and 2 Nails on a workbench.9 gpYesYes
Silver bolts (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).10 gpNoNo
Slice of cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).10 gpYesNo
Sapphire bolt tipsPlayer made (see Notes section).22 gpNoNo
Saradomin's whisper shardMonster drop.22 gpNoYes
Spirit Wolf scroll (Howl)Player made (See Notes Section).22 gpYesYes
Steel brutalPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild.22 gpNoYes
Skewer stickReceived when you use any type of machete on a Thatching spar found when participating in Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up.23 gpNoYes
Spirit shardsBought from Pikkupstix in the Taverley Summoning shop; Can be obtained by using Bogrog to swap pouches for 70% of the shards used to infuse them. This requires various levels depending on the pouch.24 gpNoNo
Spirit Mosquito scroll (Pester)Player made (See Notes Section).26 gpNoYes
Slice of vanilla cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).27 gpNoYes
Steel arrowheadsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Respawns in the Level 10 Wilderness part of the Edgeville Dugeon by the Earth Warriors; Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild / Catherby and Ava in Draynor Manor; Steal these from a chest in Hemenster (right next to Fishing Guild and Fishing contest) and Rellekka with a Lockpick; Monster drop.31 gpNoNo
ShearsRespawns in the Crafting guild, in the wheat field west of Lumbridge mill, and Draynor Manor's eastern kitchen. General Store.35 gpYesNo
Steel arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section); Respawns in the Wilderness; Bought from Fionella in the Legends' Guild, Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild, and Ava in Draynor Manor; Possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse; Possible monster drop.35 gpNoNo
Soda ashPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers in Prifddinas.36 gpNoYes
Silver boltsPlayer made using your Fletching and Crafting skills.40 gpNoNo
Slice of chocolate cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).40 gpNoYes
Stripy featherSnaring Tropical wagtails. Using the Hunter skill. Sold at Varrock Fancy Cloths store. 41 gpNoYes
Spirit Terrorbird scroll (Tireless Run)Using a spirit terrorbird pouch on an obelisk.51 gpNoYes
Steel bolts (unf)Player made (See Notes Section.)51 gpNoNo
Spirit Spider scroll (Egg Spawn)Player made (See Notes Section).53 gpNoYes
Slice of strawberry cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).54 gpNoYes
Sapphire boltsPlayer made.58 gpNoNo
Steel nailsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas; Bought from Bill at Fort Forinthry; Looted from a Young impling; Monster drop. 60 gpNoNo
Steel boltsPlayer made using your Fletching and Smithing skill.64 gpNoNo
Slice of lemon cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).67 gpNoYes
Sapphire bolts (e)Player made (See notes section).70 gpNoYes
Small blunt bronze salvageMonster Drop.70 gpNoNo
Spirit Scorpion scroll (Venom Shot)Player made (See Notes Section).72 gpNoYes
SalmonPlayer made (See Notes Section).83 gpNoNo
Spirit Dagannoth scroll (Spike Shot)Obtained by transforming a Spirit Dagannoth pouch on the obelisk87 gpNoYes
Saradomin arrowsPossible Treasure Trails reward (Any Clue scroll).90 gpNoYes
Spirit Cockatrice scroll (Petrifying Gaze)Player made (See Notes Section).94 gpNoYes
Spirit Tz-Kih scroll (Fireball Assault)Player made (See Notes Section).94 gpNoYes
Stalker arrowPlayer Made (See Notes).94 gpNoYes
Silver stone spiritObtained from mining Silver rocks; Monster Drop.95 gpNoNo
Strength mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).95 gpNoYes
Slice of bacon cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).98 gpNoYes