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Spotted kebbit furReceived when hunting Spotted kebbits in the falcon area near Piscatoris.100 gpNoYes
Ship figureheadPossible reward from opening Prawn balls.104 gpNoYes
Strawberry cream cheesePlayer Made (See Notes).108 gpNoYes
Shrunk oglerootMonster drop; inside a secret compartment of a piano in the witch's house in Taverley.111 gpYesYes
Skewered beastPlayer made (See Notes Section).115 gpNoYes
Solar flareSolar flares can be won on Treasure Hunter or from training Divination.116 gpNoNo
Steel throwing axePlayer made (See Notes section); Bought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.118 gpNoNo
SardinePlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.119 gpNoNo
Steel studsPlayer made (See Notes Section).119 gpNoNo
SeaweedMonster drop; Caught while Fishing with a Big fishing net; Bought from Arhein in Catherby; Respawns along the coast north of Tai Bwo Wannai, north and northeast Rellekka, on the north side of Entrana, and the north coast of the Piscatoris Fishing Colony. 128 gpNoYes
Spirit Kalphite scroll (Sandstorm)Using a spirit kalphite pouch on an obelisk.133 gpNoYes
Skewered rabbitUse an iron skewer on a Raw Rabbit.134 gpNoYes
Spicy saucePlayer made.136 gpNoYes
Spirit runePlayer Made (See Notes); Thalmund's Wares.139 gpNoYes
Super defence mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).141 gpNoYes
Steel off hand knifePlayer made (See Notes Section).146 gpNoNo
Steel javelinBought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild and at the void outpost; Possible monster drop.149 gpNoNo
Steel knifeRespawns in the Kendal's cave (involved in the Mountain Daughter quest).

Player made, sold in Martain Thwait's lost and found in the Rogue's Den.
151 gpNoNo
Stinkshroom sporeMonster Drop.157 gpNoYes
Stranger Plant scroll (Poisonous Blast)Player made (See Notes Section).160 gpNoYes
Scrambled eggPlayer made (See Notes Section).166 gpNoYes
Steel Minotaur scroll (Steel Bull Rush)Using a steel minotaur pouch on an obelisk.168 gpNoYes
Spider on shaft (raw)Player made (See Notes Section).169 gpNoYes
Sapphire glacialis(In jar)Butterfly netting area in Polar hunting area.171 gpNoYes
Spider on stickPlayer made (See Notes Section).182 gpNoYes
Strength mix (1)Result of drinking a higher dose mix.184 gpNoYes
Skewered bird meatThis item is obtained by using a Raw bird meat on an Iron spit.187 gpNoYes
Spider on shaftPlayer made (See Notes Section).187 gpNoYes
Spirit Jelly scroll (Dissolve)Player made (See Notes Section).187 gpNoYes
Swamp Titan scroll (Swamp Plague)Player made (see note section)200 gpNoYes
SwordfishPlayer Made (See Notes); Bought from Fionella and Alfonse the Waiter; Monster Drop.200 gpNoNo
Spiky vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section).209 gpNoYes
Steel dart tipPlayer made (see notes).212 gpNoYes
Swamp tarPickpocketing Cave goblins; Monster drop; Respawns in Lumbridge Swamp, Mort Myre Swamp, inside buckets and barrels on pirate ship to Lunar Isle, and in a barrel on Lunar Isle near the Astral altar; Harvesting produce from Lizard chickens at the Manor farm.232 gpNoYes
Spirit Graahk scroll (Goad)Using a spirit graahk pouch on an obelisk.239 gpNoYes
Squeck juicePurchased from the Bartender of the Golden Scarab.239 gpNoYes
Stretched hideMonster drop.240 gpNoYes
Spirit Larupia scroll (Rending)Using a spirit larupia pouch on an obelisk.245 gpNoYes
Skewered kebabIt is sold for 25 coins each by Marion, the barmaid. 267 gpNoYes
SharkPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.275 gpNoYes
Small blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.275 gpNoNo
Slice of cakePlayer made.276 gpNoNo
Sweetcorn seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers; Stolen from a Seed stall; Bought from Olivia in Draynor Village and Coeden in Prifddinas; Monster drop; Bought in Vinesweeper.283 gpNoYes
Spider fangsHarvesting produce from Spiders at the Manor farm.289 gpNoYes
Steel crossbow (u)Player made (See Notes section).298 gpNoNo
Smoke runeMade by taking Air runes and an Air talisman to a fire altar with Pure essence or taking Fire runes and a Fire talisman to the air altar with Pure essence. They can also be bought at the Mage Training Arena for 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment and 1 Graveyard Pizazz Points. During the process, the Air talisman or Fire talisman will be consumed.300 gpNoYes
Small plated bronze salvageMonster Drop.307 gpNoNo
Sea turtlePlayer made (See notes).314 gpNoYes
Super attack mix (1)Result of drinking a higher dose mix.320 gpNoYes
Small bladed bronze salvageMonster Drop.323 gpNoNo
Small spiky bronze salvageMonster Drop.324 gpNoNo
Snape grassPlayer Made (See Notes); Found on Waterbirth Island and Hobgoblin peninsula (South West of the Crafting Guild); Pickpocketed from Meilyr workers in Prifddinas; Monster Drop.334 gpNoYes
Sample bottleBought from Fidelio in Canifis and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild.335 gpNoYes
Square sandwichBrought from Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne.339 gpNoNo
Strip of black clothPlayer made (See Notes Section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.353 gpNoNo
Slayer's respiteBrewed by players.366 gpNoYes
Strength potion (1)Player made (See notes section).376 gpNoNo
Spirit Kyatt scroll (Ambush)Player made. 383 gpYesYes
Stronghold notesFound just inside the Stronghold of Security by searching a dead explorer or on the shelves in a house in the village.394 gpNoNo
Spicy crunchiesPlayer Made (See Notes).404 gpNoYes
Skewered chompyThis item is obtained by using a Raw chompy on a spit roast.409 gpNoYes
Strawberry seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers; Stolen from a Seed stall; Bought from Olivia in Draynor Village and Coeden in Prifddinas; Monster drop; Bought in Vinesweeper.409 gpNoYes
Sparkling energyHarvested from Sparkling wisps and Sparkling springs south-east of Rellekka.425 gpNoYes
SapphireRespawns in level 47 wilderness North of Edgeville near Giant spiders, Northernmost island North of Rellekka (Telegrab required); Player Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin; Player Made (See Notes).433 gpNoNo
Super attack mix (2)Player made(See notes section).443 gpNoYes
Stone statuettePyramid Plunder Mini-game.459 gpNoYes
Small fishing netspawns south of Lumbridge, next to the Fishing tutor.Fishing stores across RuneScape and the Grand Exchange.464 gpNoNo
Shaving standPlayer made using 1 Plank, 1 Nail and 1 Molten glass on an Oak workbench or better.466 gpNoYes
Stone scarabPyramid Plunder Mini-game.468 gpNoYes
Super Guthix rest (1)Player made (See Notes Section).468 gpNoYes
Steel fire arrows (unlit)Player made (See Notes Section).473 gpYesYes
Sandstone (1kg)Mined; Player made (See Notes Section).477 gpNoYes
Sliced bananaPlayer made (See Notes Section)479 gpNoNo
Spark chitinHarvesting produce from Brutish dinosaurs, Scimitops, Asciatops, and Malletops at the Ranch Out of Time.489 gpNoYes
Small spiky steel salvageMonster Drop.492 gpNoNo