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Kopis daggerUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Ritual daggerUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Criminal's daggerFound in the first floor of the Sinclair mansion. The Criminal's dagger is a quest item that is found at the murder scene during the Murder Mystery quest.---YesYes
Damaged daggerSearching bushes outside of Watchtower, north Yanille.---YesYes
Dark daggerGiven to you by Echned Zekin in the dungeon below the Kharazi Jungle.---YesYes
Dagger (class 1)Made during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 2)Obtained in the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 3)Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 4)Obtained during the Stealing Creation mini-game.0 gpNoYes
Dagger (class 5)Player made during the Stealing Creation mini-game (see notes section).0 gpNoYes
Argonite DaggerPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Hailstorm daggerIt is obtained as a drop from monsters in Daemonheim, commonly from icefiends.0 gpNoYes
Zephyrium daggerPlayer made (See notes section) or monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Bathus DaggerPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Marmaros daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Promethium daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Frostbite daggerDropped by Icefiends in Daemonheim.---NoNo
Katagon daggerIt can be obtained through one of four ways: picked up from a table if supplied initially, dropped by a monster, smithed using one Katagon bar with 70 smithing, or taken out of a locked chest. 0 gpNoYes
Novite daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Fractite daggerPlayer made (See Notes section); Monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Kratonite daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoNo
Gorgonite daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Primal daggerObtained as a possible reward for defeating the Luminescent icefiend Dungeoneering boss.0 gpNoYes
High-quality bronze daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Finished bronze daggerGiven to you by Aksel, at the Artisan's Workshop, in Falador.---YesNo
Off-hand novite daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Off-Hand Bathus DaggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Off-hand primal daggerPossible drop from the Luminescent Icefiend.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand promethium daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand gorgonite daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand katagon daggerIt can be obtained through one of four ways: picked up from a table if supplied initially, dropped by a monster, smithed using one Katagon bar with 70 smithing, or taken out of a locked chest. 0 gpNoYes
Off-Hand Argonite DaggerPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand zephyrium daggerPlayer made (See notes section) or monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand fractite daggerPlayer made (See Notes section); Monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand kratonite daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section); monster drop.0 gpNoYes
Off-hand marmaros daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Academy daggerThe Academy dagger is a dagger obtained from the tutorial of combat academy.0 gpNoNo
Off-hand attuned crystal daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Glowing daggerUpon killing Viyeldi, in the dungeon below the Kharazi Jungle, the Dark dagger will turn into this dagger.---YesYes
Attuned crystal daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Dagger keyFound in the prison beneath the mansion.---YesNo
Doc's broken daggerInvention Guild, in the parts bin, during the Invention tutorial.---YesYes
Augmented Attuned crystal dagger This is obtained by using an Augmentor with an Attuned crystal dagger.---NoYes
Augmented Off-hand attuned crystal daggerThis is obtained by using an Augmentor with an Off-hand attuned crystal dagger.---NoYes
Augmented Crystal daggerThis is obtained by using an Augmentor with Crystal dagger.---NoYes
Akhomet's ceremonial daggerGiven to you by Jack of Spades.---YesYes
Venator dagger (damaged)Obtained by excavating Venator remains; Obtained by completing Kharid-et Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets. ---NoNo
Venator daggerPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Kopis dagger (damaged)Obtained by excavating Icyene weapon rack; Obtained by completing Everlight Site Research; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Ritual dagger (damaged)Obtained by excavating Sacrificial altar; Obtained by completing Infernal Source Site Research and the Zamorakian Special Research "The Dark Underbelly"; Obtained by opening Ancient caskets.---NoYes
Off-hand bronze daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).569 gpNoYes
Iron off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).1,174 gpNoYes
Bronze daggerSecond floor in Lumbridge Castle; Player made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Monster Drop.2,389 gpNoNo
White daggerBought from Sir Vyvin in the White Knights Castle, in Falador.2,469 gpNoYes
Iron dagger Respawns inside the Goblin House in the Lumbridge area; northwest corner of Graveyard of Shadows in the Wilderness. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.3,042 gpNoNo
Off-Hand Black DaggerMonster drop.3,117 gpNoYes
Bone daggerBought from Nardok in the Dorgeshuun caves after completing The Lost Tribe quest.3,482 gpNoYes
Steel off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,048 gpNoYes
Steel daggerRespawn in the Graveyard of Shadows.

Player made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.
6,099 gpNoNo
Iron off hand dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).6,384 gpNoNo
Mithril off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).6,426 gpNoYes
Iron dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).6,637 gpNoNo
Black DaggerBought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop. Respawns on Red Dragon Isle.6,639 gpNoNo
Steel dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).8,229 gpNoNo
Steel off hand dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).8,451 gpNoNo
Mithril daggerPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.9,476 gpNoNo
Adamant off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).9,711 gpNoYes
Mithril off hand dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).10.4k gpNoNo
Mithril dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).11.2k gpNoNo
Adamant off hand dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).15.0k gpNoNo
Adamant dagger + 1Player made (See Notes Section).17.1k gpNoNo
Coral dagger tokenFound while skilling on the beach or obtained from killing Clawdia during the Summer Beach Party.17.4k gpNoNo
Mithril off hand dagger + 2Player made (See Notes Section).17.7k gpNoNo
Dragon daggerBought from Jukat in Zanaris and Rasolo near Baxtorian Falls; Monster drop; Looted from Magpie Impling, Dragon impling and Ninja impling jars.18.2k gpNoYes
Rune off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).20.2k gpNoYes