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Alaea sea saltMined from Alaea Crablet on Uncharted Isles; purchased from Yi Yan when in stock.---NoYes
Augmented Seasinger kibaThis is obtained by using an Augmentor with a Seasinger Kiba.---NoYes
Augmented Seasinger makigaiThis is obtained by using an Augmentor with a Seasinger makigai.---NoYes
Augmented Seasinger's robe bottomThis is obtained by using an Augmentor with a Superior Seasinger's robe bottoms.---NoYes
Augmented Seasinger's robe topThis is obtained by using an Augmentor with a Superior Seasinger's robe top.---NoYes
Blessing of the SeaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Boots of SeasonsTreasure Hunter promotion.24.2m gpNoNo
Bottoms of SeasonsTreasure Hunter promotion.34.8m gpNoNo
Broken fishing rod (Deep Sea)Found while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant.---NoYes
Burnt sea turtleObtained by burning a Raw sea turtle.0 gpNoYes
Centurion's sealUnknown, please submit.---NoYes
Centurion's seal (1)Unknown, please submit.---NoYes
Centurion's seal (damaged)Obtained by speaking to Dr. Nabanik twice after completing the Archaeology Tutorial and getting invited to Kharid-et Dig Site.---NoNo
Chest of SeasonsTreasure Hunter promotion.37.2m gpNoNo
Cloak of SeasonsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Possible Treasure Hunter reward between May 23rd and June 3rd 2014.95.8m gpNoNo
Crown of SeasonsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Possible reward from the discontinued Squeal of Fortune between June 28th and July 8th 2013.50.8m gpNoNo
Dazed sea slugFishing Platform off of Witchaven.---YesYes
Dead sea slugNear the imposing doors in the shrine tunnels underneath Witchaven.---YesYes
Death at SeaFound on the tables around Sliske's secret room.---YesYes
Delicious seaweedHarvested from the Tasty looking seaweed patch beneath the Wizards' Tower.---NoNo
Diseased fruitJadinko Lair offering table, you can buy random fruits in exchange for Jadinko Lair reward points.---NoYes
Diseased jadinkoResult of checking a Carrion jadinko (unchecked); Result of breeding jadinkos at the Ranch Out of Time.0 gpNoYes
Diseased jadinko (unchecked)Found when hunting Diseased jadinkos.1,000.0k gpNoYes
Diseased kebbit furObtained from catching Diseased kebbits using the Hunter Skill.104 gpNoYes
Dry seaweedPlayer Made (See Notes).---YesYes
Edible seaweedThe Fishing Trawler Mini-game.3,175 gpNoYes
Empty seaweed netPlayer made (See Notes Section).46 gpNoYes
Fishbowl (seaweed)Using seaweed with a Fishbowl (water).---NoYes
Fremennik sea boots 1Council workman gives you this item upon completion of the Easy Rellekka tasks.---NoYes
Fremennik sea boots 2Can be acquired from Yrsa, who is located in the clothing shop in Rellekka, after completing the medium tasks.---NoYes
Fremennik sea boots 3Can be acquired from Advisor Ghrim, after completing the hard tasks.---NoYes
Fremennik Sea Boots 4Obtained from Advisor Ghrim.---NoYes
Gloves of SeasonsTreasure Hunter promotion.25.2m gpNoNo
Gnome royal sealKing Narnode Shareen.---YesYes
Gold sealPyramid Plunder Mini-game.32.1k gpNoYes
Ground SeaweedPlayer made (see notes section).11 gpNoYes
Message in a bottle (Deep Sea)Found while fishing at the Deep Sea Fishing Hub; Purchased from the Traveling Merchant. ---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the CywirPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the Dragon RidersPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the FacelessPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Powered necromantic seal of the FuriesPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Raw sea turtleFishing Trawler Mini-game.1,028 gpNoYes
Research notesGiven to you by Ava at Draynor Manor.---YesYes
Research packagePackage given to you by the Wizard Sedridor.---YesNo
Royal dwarven sealReceived from King Veldaban.---YesYes
Scabaras researchGiven to you by Lead Archaeologist Abigail.---YesYes
Sea chartQuest item.---YesYes
Sea cucumberCaught in the fishing spot beneath the Wizards' Tower.---NoNo
Sea fishing mapGiven to you by Swensen the Navigator, south of Rellekka's market, in exchange for the Weather forecast.---YesYes
Sea legs potionQuest item.---YesYes
Sea saltMined from Salty Crablet on Uncharted Isles and Salty crabletine on Cyclosis; purchased from Yi Yan when in stock.---NoYes
Sea shellFound randomly on Uncharted Isles.---NoYes
Sea slugRespawn at the Varrock Museum has some sea slugs on display in its Natural History department, which is in the basement. The Apothecary in southern Varrock also seems to have a sea slug pickled in a jar.

Fishing platform.
0 gpNoYes
Sea slug glueGiven to you by Bailey, on the Fishing Platform, in exchange for a Dead sea slug.---YesYes
Sea troll egg decorationPossible reward from opening Prawn balls.---NoYes
Sea turtlePlayer made (See notes).306 gpNoYes
Sea turtle baitPlayer Made (See Notes).27.9k gpNoYes
Seagull wingMonster drop.---YesYes
Seahorse balloonObtained from inside a Summer pinata loot bag.4,903 gpNoNo
Seahorse follower pet tokenThis can be won from a Summer loot pinata, hidden within its loot bag.10.0m gpNoNo
SealInside Rolo the Stout's chest, upstairs in the Pick and Lute tavern in Taverley.---YesNo
Seal of passageReceived from Brundt the Chieftain.---YesYes
Seal of the CywirThe Heart of Gielinor; Monster drop.---NoYes
Seal of the Dragon ridersThe Heart of Gielinor; Monster drop.---NoYes
Seal of the FacelessThe Heart of Gielinor; Monster drop.---NoYes
Seal of the FuriesThe Heart of Gielinor; Monster drop.---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (easy)---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (elite)---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (hard)---NoYes
Sealed clue scroll (master)There is a 1% chance of receiving a Master clue instead of a Elite clue when an Elite clue is found.
Some possible options are:
Sealed clue scroll (medium)---NoYes
Sealed funnelIn your inventory after starting a Flash Powder Factory game.---NoYes
Sealed large rune pouchPlayer Made (See Notes)42.9m gpNoYes
Sealed large rune pouch (black)Player Made (See Notes).36.5m gpNoYes
Sealed large rune pouch (blue)Player Made (See Notes).28.5m gpNoYes