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Unfired plant potIt can be made into a plant pot by using it on a pottery oven.3 gpNoYes
Resonant anima of Ful (tradeable)Monster Drop.---NoYes
Bailing bucket (empty)Bought from the Port Khazard general store.5 gpNoYes
Rabbit snareBought from a Hunting shop in Nardah or Yanille.5 gpNoYes
Bailing bucket (full)Player made (See Notes Section).5 gpNoYes
Fish offcutsPlayer made (See notes).6 gpNoYes
Juju vial of waterPurchased from Papa Mambo.6 gpNoYes
Wood kitchen tablePlayer made using 3 Plank and 3 Nails on a workbench. 7 gpNoYes
Wood dining tablePlayer made using 4 Planks and 4 Nails (any) on a workbench.7 gpYesYes
Steel dartPlayer made (see notes).8 gpNoNo
Ground GuamPlayer made. Using Ground Seaweed with An Empty Box. Must have pestle and mortar in inventory. 8 gpNoYes
Wooden bookcasePlayer made (See notes section).8 gpNoYes
Hunter kitPlayer made (See Notes Section).8 gpNoYes
Steel off hand dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).8 gpNoNo
Resonant anima of Wen (tradeable)Monster Drop.---NoYes
Beer barrelPlayer made (See Notes Section).9 gpNoYes
Shoe boxPlayer made using 2 Planks and 2 Nails on a workbench.9 gpYesYes
Polypore sporePolypore Dungeon. When sprinkling Neem oil over the creatures in the Polypore Dungeon, you have a chance a polypore spore will spawn.9 gpNoYes
Ranging mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).9 gpNoYes
Iron stone spiritObtained from mining Iron rocks; Monster Drop.9 gpNoNo
Magic mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).10 gpNoYes
Slice of cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).10 gpYesNo
Bag of saltBuy from Slayer Masters in Canifis, Edgeville Dungeon, Shilo Village, Taverley, Zanaris, and Kuradal's Dungeon.11 gpNoYes
Bronze nailsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Zogre coffins; Bought from the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas; Bought from Bill at Fort Forinthry.11 gpNoNo
Ground SeaweedPlayer made (see notes section).11 gpNoYes
Wooden benchPlayer made using 4 Planks and 4 nails (any) on a Wooden workbench or better.11 gpYesYes
Silver bolts (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).11 gpNoNo
Antipoison (1)Player made (See Notes Section).12 gpNoYes
BucketNext to the trough in the chicken farm directly south of Varrock and Falador; Lumbridge Castle basement; next to the Prized dairy cow in the Lumbridge cow pen; (members) Zanaris (Lost City) near Mill; house of the goblin generals (Goblin Village); near the well south of Ardougne (East); in beehive area west of Catherby.
Any General Store.
13 gpNoNo
Fishing baitMonster drop
Bought from the following:
Roachey in the Fishing Guild Gerrant in Port Sarim Shantay in Al Kharid Fernahei in Shilo Village
Frawd in Oo'glog Alison Elmshaper in Taverley Ezekial Lovecraft in Witchaven Hank in Lumbridge
Fishmongers in Miscellania and Etceteria Fish monger in Rellekka

4 fishing bait Respawn in southern Taverley by the dead troll just south of the Taverly Slayer master Turael.
13 gpNoNo
Mithril dartPlayer made and monster drop. To make this you will need 54 Smithing and 52 Fletching.13 gpNoNo
PouchBought from Pikkupstix in the Taverley Summoning shop; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.13 gpNoNo
Oil lantern frameAn Oil lantern frame can be made by members with level 26 smithing from an iron bar, giving 25 smithing experience.13 gpNoYes
Coal stone spiritObtained from mining Coal rocks; Monster Drop.13 gpNoNo
Herb tea mix (harralander)Player made (See Notes Section).14 gpNoYes
Off-hand mithril dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).14 gpNoNo
Pot lidPlayer made (See Notes Section).15 gpYesYes
Anchovy pastePlayer made (See Notes Section).15 gpYesYes
Herb tea mix (guam)Player made (See Notes Section).15 gpNoYes
Eye of newtThis item is either bought or dropped by a monster and does not respawn anywhere in Runescape.
Bought from Magic stores and Herblore Store.
16 gpNoNo
Timber beamBought from Razmire Keelgan's Builders' Merchants in Mort'ton.16 gpNoYes
Plant pot (empty)Bought at Farming shops.17 gpNoYes
Oak drawersPlayer made (See Notes Section).17 gpNoYes
Mithril fire arrows (unlit)Player made (See Notes Section).17 gpYesYes
Woad leafPlayer Made (See Notes); Purchased from Wyson the Gardener; Monster Drop.18 gpNoNo
Teak dining benchPlayer made using 4 Teak planks on an Oak workbench or better.18 gpNoYes
Granite Crab scroll (Stony Shell)Player made.18 gpNoYes
Mind runeRespawns at the Lumbridge Castle, Varrock Sewers near the zombies, and at the Dark Knight Fortress in the Wilderness. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild; Possible monster drop.19 gpNoNo
Oak wardrobePlayer made using 3 Oak planks on an Oak workbench or better. 19 gpNoYes
Oak kitchen tablePlayer made (See Notes Section). 19 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (harralander/guam)Player made (See Notes Section).19 gpNoYes
Adamant DartMonster Drop; Player Made (See Notes Section).20 gpNoNo
Iron javelinBought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.20 gpNoNo
Leaves (maple)Leaves are dropped by baby tanglefoots (after the A Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains quest) or when using any secateurs to cure a tree of disease.20 gpNoYes
Guthix rest (1)Player made (See notes section).20 gpYesNo
Herb tea mix (2 guam)Player made (See Notes Section).20 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (marrentill/guam)Player made (See Notes Section).20 gpNoYes
Bronze arrowheadsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild, Hickton in Catherby, and Alison Elmshaper in Taverley.21 gpNoNo
Bronze bolts (unf)Player made (see Notes).21 gpNoNo
Herb tea mix (marrentill)Player made (See Notes Section).21 gpNoYes
Iron nailsPlayer made (see notes), also in the Zogre coffins; Bought from the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas; Bought from Bill at Fort Forinthry.22 gpNoNo
Steel brutalPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild.22 gpNoYes
Oak armour casePlayer made.22 gpNoYes
Spirit Wolf scroll (Howl)Player made (See Notes Section).22 gpYesYes
Saradomin's whisper shardMonster drop.22 gpNoYes
Telescope lensesPossible reward from opening a Prawn ball.22 gpNoYes
Iron arrowheadsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild and Ava in Draynor Manor; Monster drop.23 gpNoNo
Carved oak benchPlayer made (see notes section). 23 gpNoYes
Sapphire bolt tipsPlayer made (see Notes section).23 gpNoNo
Oak treasure chestPlayer made.23 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (harralander/marrentill)Player made (See Notes Section).23 gpNoYes
Earth runeRespawns north of Varrock, Varrock Sewers, the Dark Knight's Fortress. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse; Possible monster drop.24 gpNoNo
Opal bolt tipsMade by using a chisel with an Opal.24 gpNoNo
Skewer stickReceived when you use any type of machete on a Thatching spar found when participating in Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up.24 gpNoYes
Iron brutalPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild.24 gpNoYes