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Oak toy boxPlayer made.24 gpNoYes
Spirit shardsBought from Pikkupstix in the Taverley Summoning shop; Can be obtained by using Bogrog to swap pouches for 70% of the shards used to infuse them. This requires various levels depending on the pouch.24 gpNoNo
Oil lantern (Needs Oil)An oil lamp can be combined with an oil lantern frame (forged from iron) to make an oil lantern for 50 Crafting experience. Combining the lantern frame with the lamp does not require a furnace or anvil. 24 gpNoYes
Oak fancy dress boxPlayer made (See notes section).24 gpNoYes
Oak dining tablePlayer made (See Notes Section).25 gpNoYes
Oil lampPlayer made (See Notes Section).25 gpNoYes
Mutated vineMonster Drop.25 gpNoYes
Body runeVarrock sewers, low level wilderness northwest of Varrock's north gate, and the second floor of the Al Kharid scimitar shop.
Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild; Possible monster drop.
26 gpNoNo
Pitta breadPlayer made (See Notes).26 gpNoYes
Thorny Snail scroll (Slime Spray)Using a thorny snail pouch on an obelisk.26 gpNoYes
Spirit Mosquito scroll (Pester)Player made (See Notes Section).26 gpNoYes
ThreadRespawns in the Jolly Boar Inn northeast of Varrock. Bought from Dommik in Al Kharid; Possible monster drop.27 gpNoNo
Teak tablePlayer made using 4 Teak planks on an Oak workbench or better. 27 gpNoYes
Fungal flakeMonster Drop.27 gpNoYes
Slice of vanilla cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).27 gpNoYes
Steel arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section); Respawns in the Wilderness; Bought from Fionella in the Legends' Guild, Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild, and Ava in Draynor Manor; Possible reward from burning a Vyrewatch corpse; Possible monster drop.28 gpNoNo
Attack mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).28 gpNoYes
Carved oak magic wardrobePlayer made.29 gpNoYes
Oak cape rackPlayer made.29 gpNoYes
Off-hand adamant dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).29 gpNoNo
Dinosaur scaleMonster Drop.29 gpNoYes
Ruby bolt tipsPlayer made.30 gpNoNo
Iron dartPlayer made (See Notes section).31 gpNoNo
Oak chairPlayer made using 2 oak planks on a Wooden workbench or better. 31 gpNoYes
Guthix balance (unf) (1-dose)Player made (See Notes section).31 gpNoYes
Teak magic wardrobePlayer made (See notes section).31 gpNoYes
Adamantite stone spiritObtained from mining Adamantite rocks; Monster Drop.31 gpNoNo
Minced meatObtained when using a knife on cooked meat, while having a bowl in your inventory.32 gpNoYes
Steel arrowheadsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Respawns in the Level 10 Wilderness part of the Edgeville Dugeon by the Earth Warriors; Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild / Catherby and Ava in Draynor Manor; Steal these from a chest in Hemenster (right next to Fishing Guild and Fishing contest) and Rellekka with a Lockpick; Monster drop.33 gpNoNo
Restore mix (1)Player made (See Notes section).33 gpNoYes
FeatherMonster drop; Purchased from Fishing shops (See Notes); Harvesting produce from Chickens at the Manor farm.34 gpNoNo
Thatch spar (medium)By hacking medium jungles on Tai Bwo Wannai village 34 gpNoYes
Carved teak benchPlayer made (see notes section).34 gpNoYes
Teak wardrobePlayer made (See notes section).34 gpNoYes
Clay ring (unfired)Player made (See Notes Section).34 gpNoNo
Opal bolts (e)Player made (See notes). Enchanting Opal bolts35 gpNoYes
Teak armour casePlayer made (See notes section).35 gpNoYes
Teak cape rackPlayer made (See notes section).35 gpNoYes
Air runeEast of the Draynor Village jail; behind Luthas' house on Karamja; south-west of the cooking guild; and in the Dark Knight's Fortress in the Wilderness.Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible monster drop.36 gpNoNo
ShearsRespawns in the Crafting guild, in the wheat field west of Lumbridge mill, and Draynor Manor's eastern kitchen. General Store.36 gpYesNo
Thatch spar (light)By hacking light jungle in Tai Bwo Wannai village.36 gpNoYes
Bronze brutalPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild.36 gpNoYes
Premade wizard blizzardPurchased from Barman (gnome).36 gpNoYes
Dreadfowl scroll (Dreadfowl Strike)Player made.36 gpNoYes
Leaves (yew)Leaves are dropped by baby tanglefoots (after the A Fairy Tale Part I - Growing Pains quest) or when using any secateurs to cure a tree of disease.36 gpNoYes
Onion & tomatoPlayer made.37 gpNoYes
Teak kitchen tablePlayer made using 3 Teak planks on a Steel framed bench or better workbench. 38 gpNoYes
Iron bolts (unf)Player made.38 gpNoNo
Stripy featherSnaring Tropical wagtails. Using the Hunter skill. Sold at Varrock Fancy Cloths store. 38 gpNoYes
Iron off hand throwing axePlayer made (See Notes Section).38 gpNoNo
Mithril arrowPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild and Catherby; Possible monster drop.39 gpNoNo
Pearl bolt tipsPlayer made (See notes).39 gpNoNo
Premade short green guyPurchased from Barman (gnome).39 gpNoYes
Jug of waterBought from Shantay and Beefy Bill; Spawns at the ground floor of Al Kharid Palace and Cooking shop in Yanille; Player made (See Notes Section).39 gpNoNo
Arrow shaftPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Monster drop.40 gpNoNo
Silver boltsPlayer made using your Fletching and Crafting skills.40 gpNoNo
Guthix rest (2)Player made (See Notes section).40 gpYesYes
Slice of chocolate cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).40 gpNoYes
Trading sticksCollected from the inhabitants of Tai Bwo Wannai village after you have performed favours for them.42 gpNoYes
Pearl bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).42 gpNoYes
Teak toy boxPlayer made (See notes section).43 gpNoYes
Carved oak tablePlayer made (See Notes Section). 44 gpNoYes
Lime chunksPlayer made. (See notes section)45 gpNoYes
Mithril arrowheadsPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild and in Catherby.45 gpNoNo
Soda ashPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers in Prifddinas.45 gpNoYes
1/3 evil turnipResult of someone eating the second third of an Evil turnip.45 gpNoYes
Poorly-cooked bird meatPlayer made (See Notes Section) or from a monster drop.45 gpNoNo
Empty seaweed netPlayer made (See Notes Section).46 gpNoYes
Unfinished broad boltsSold by Slayer Masters.47 gpNoYes
Off-hand steel throwing axePlayer made (See Notes Section).47 gpNoNo
Opal boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).48 gpNoNo
Desert Wyrm scroll (Electric Lash)Player made (See Notes Section).48 gpNoYes
Topaz bolts (e)Player made (See notes section).48 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (brown)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.48 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (2 guam / 1 marrentill)Player made (See Notes Section).48 gpNoYes