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Adamant arrowPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible reward from burning a Vyre corpse; Possible monster drop.49 gpNoNo
Tiara mouldBought from Dommik in Al Kharid.50 gpNoNo
Steel bolts (unf)Player made (See Notes Section.)50 gpNoNo
Restore mix (2)Player made (See Notes section).50 gpNoYes
Bull Ant scroll (Unburden)Using a bull ant pouch on an obelisk.50 gpNoYes
2/3 cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).50 gpYesNo
Spirit Spider scroll (Egg Spawn)Player made (See Notes Section).51 gpNoYes
Compost Mound scroll (Generate Compost)Player made. 51 gpNoYes
Spirit Terrorbird scroll (Tireless Run)Using a spirit terrorbird pouch on an obelisk.51 gpNoYes
Tatty graahk furTatty graahk fur is an item that players may obtain whilst hunting Horned Graahks, which requires level 41 Hunter.52 gpNoYes
Herb tea mix (2 guam / 1 harralander)Player made (See Notes Section).52 gpNoYes
Oak magic wardrobePlayer made.53 gpNoYes
Adamant javelinBought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.54 gpNoNo
Kebbit boltsPlayer Made (See Notes Section).
Crafted by Leon.
54 gpNoYes
Chinchompa residueHarvesting produce from Chinchompas at the Manor farm.54 gpNoYes
2/3 vanilla cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).54 gpNoYes
Slice of strawberry cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).54 gpNoYes
Iron throwing axeBought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild.55 gpNoNo
Premade pineapple punchPurchased from Barman (gnome).55 gpNoYes
Jade bolt tipsPlayer made.57 gpNoNo
Herb tea mix (harralander/marrentill/guam)Player made (See Notes Section).57 gpNoYes
Wolf bone arrowheadsPlayer made. (See Notes Section)58 gpYesYes
Sapphire boltsPlayer made.58 gpNoNo
Guthix balance (unf) (2-dose)Player made (See Notes section).58 gpNoYes
Orange chunksPlayer made.59 gpNoYes
Emerald bolt tipsPlayer made.59 gpNoNo
Teak fancy dress boxPlayer made (See notes section).59 gpNoYes
Long kebbit boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).60 gpNoYes
Iron arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild and Catherby; Bought from Ava in Draynor Manor; Possible monster drop.61 gpNoNo
Rune dartPlayer made (See Notes section).61 gpNoNo
Vial of waterPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Bought at Herblore shops; Bought at General stores in East Ardougne, Tai Bwo Wannai, and Shilo Village; Top floor of the Mages' Guild on a table; Bought from Jossik in the lighthouse; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.61 gpNoNo
Mithril boltsMonster Drop (Chaos druids), Player made with the Smithing skill. Smithing level 53 required and gives 50 exp. Requires one Mithril bar (to make the bolttips). Then use your fletching skill to attach feathers (level 54 Fletching needed and gives 5 exp per bolt). Also dropped by red dragons. 61 gpNoNo
Roses (Het's Oasis)Randomly obtained while harvesting the Rose bush in Het's Oasis; Obtained from the Water filtration system.61 gpNoYes
Chitin scrapsMade by repairing Damaged Chitin on an anvil.62 gpNoYes
Gardening trowelSold by farmers and farm shops.63 gpNoYes
Chopped garlicPlayer made (See Notes Section).63 gpNoYes
Topaz bolt tipsPlayer made.63 gpNoNo
Attack mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).63 gpNoYes
Fremennik cloak (purple)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.63 gpNoYes
Steel nailsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from the Sawmill operator in Prifddinas; Bought from Bill at Fort Forinthry; Looted from a Young impling; Monster drop. 64 gpNoNo
Iron off hand dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).64 gpNoNo
Teak drawersPlayer made using 2 Teak planks on a Steel framed bench or better workbench.65 gpNoYes
Steel boltsPlayer made using your Fletching and Smithing skill.65 gpNoNo
Wooden chairPlayer made using 3 Planks and 3 nails (any) on a Wooden workbench or better.66 gpYesYes
Iron boltsPlayer made.
Stolen from a Crossbow stall located in Keldagrim (level 49 thieving and gives 52 exp).
A possible drop by city Guards.
66 gpNoNo
Cooked rabbitCook a Raw rabbit on a range or on a fire.66 gpNoYes
Pirate shirt (white)Bought from the Mos Le'Harmless Island shop and also a possible reward from looting Custom Evidence Files.66 gpNoYes
Broad-tipped boltsPlayer made.66 gpNoYes
Fried onionsPlayer made.67 gpNoYes
Oak bookcasePlayer made (See notes section).67 gpNoYes
Slice of lemon cheesecakePlayer Made (See Notes).67 gpNoYes
Water runeRespawns in Varrock sewer, deep level wilderness near ice giants, and Al Kharid. Player made (See Notes Section); Bought from any Magic shop; Possible monster drop.68 gpNoNo
Uncooked eggPlayer made.68 gpNoYes
Barker Toad scroll (Toad Bark)Player made.68 gpNoYes
Fremennik shirt (brown)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.68 gpNoYes
Off-hand bronze throwing axePlayer made (See Notes Section).68 gpNoNo
Sapphire bolts (e)Player made (See notes section).70 gpNoYes
Bronze throwing axeBought from Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.72 gpNoNo
Spirit Scorpion scroll (Venom Shot)Player made (See Notes Section).72 gpNoYes
Mixture - step 2 (3)Player made (See Notes section).72 gpNoYes
Dark arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section).72 gpNoYes
Part fish pie (0/2)Player made. (See notes section)73 gpNoYes
Broad arrowheadsSold by Slayer Masters.73 gpNoYes
Small blunt bronze salvageMonster Drop.73 gpNoNo
Pineapple ringPlayer made (See notes).74 gpNoYes
Desert devil furObtained by hunting desert devils.74 gpNoYes
Premade fruit blastPurchased from Barman (gnome).75 gpNoYes
Pirate leggings (white)Bought from the Mos Le'Harmless Island shop.75 gpNoYes
Off-hand rune dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).75 gpNoNo
Cooked undead chickenPlayer made (See Notes Section).76 gpNoYes
PortholePossible reward from opening Prawn balls.77 gpNoYes
Oak LeavesLeaves are dropped by baby tanglefoots (after the Fairy Tale Part I quest) or when using any secateurs to cure a tree of disease.78 gpNoYes
TunaPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Roachey in the Fishing Guild; Possible monster drop.79 gpNoNo
Premade worm crunchiesPurchased from Gnome Waiter.79 gpNoYes
Thatch spar (dense)By hacking dense jungles on Tai Bwo Wannai village.80 gpNoYes