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Name descasc Location descasc Market price descasc Quest Members Only
Black wizard hatCan be obtained by killing Dark wizard or can be bought at Betty's Magic Emporium in Port Sarim. Crafted from black strip of cloth.344 gpNoNo
Iron armoured bootsMonster drop.344 gpNoYes
Potato seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers; Stolen from a Seed stall; Bought from Olivia in Draynor Village and Coeden in Prifddinas.345 gpNoNo
Fancy teak dresserPlayer made (See Notes Section).345 gpNoYes
Pirate leggings (orange)Possible reward for looting a pirate impling jar.345 gpNoYes
Combat mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).347 gpNoNo
Impious urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section).347 gpNoNo
Sample bottleBought from Fidelio in Canifis and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild.348 gpNoYes
Lava runePlayer made or may be purchased in the Mage Arena.348 gpNoYes
Square sandwichBrought from Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne.348 gpNoNo
Chopped ugthankiPlayer made (See Notes Section).348 gpYesYes
Mithril dart tipPlayer made (See notes).350 gpNoYes
Cape (blue)Player Made (See Notes); Purchased from Barker or Scavvo; May be obtained during Wanted!.351 gpNoNo
Fire talismanMonster Drop; Possibly obtained from Box of summoning ingredients; Purchased from Wizard Elriss.351 gpNoNo
Relicym's balm (1)Result of drinking a higher dose potion; and Player made (See Notes Section).352 gpNoYes
Mahogany cape rackPlayer made (See notes section).352 gpNoYes
RubyPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from  Gem merchant, Gem store assistant, Gem trader (Al Kharid), Gem trader (Menaphos), or Herquin.353 gpNoNo
Strip of black clothPlayer made (See Notes Section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.353 gpNoNo
Maple seedFound in a bird nest while cutting trees, received from bird nests from your kingdom (after Throne of Miscellania quest), from bird nest received from when you trade Wyson the gardener moleskins or moleclaws, a possible reward from the Evil Tree distraction/diversion, or bought in Vinesweeper.356 gpNoYes
Leaping troutFished on top of Baxtorian Falls.357 gpNoYes
Blamish myre shell (round)Monster drop.357 gpNoYes
Pernix gloves shardMonster drop.357 gpNoYes
Pie dish (unfired)Player made.358 gpNoNo
Lustrous energyHarvested from Lustrous wisps and Lustrous springs east of the Canifis Slayer Tower.360 gpNoYes
Team-24 capeBought from Darren. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.361 gpNoNo
Red chinchompaBox trapping Carnivorous chinchompas in the Feldip Hills Hunter Area; Harvesting produce from Carnivorous chinchompas at the Manor farm.362 gpNoYes
Slayer's respiteBrewed by players.363 gpNoYes
Robe top (pink)Bought from Rometti for 180 coins.366 gpNoYes
Team-46 capeBought from Richard. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.368 gpNoNo
Lantadyme seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, bought in Vinesweeper.372 gpNoYes
RollBrought from Sandwich Lady in East Ardougne.372 gpNoNo
Yak-hideMonster drop; Purchased from Vanligga Gastfrihet after you have paid her taxes - 5k Coins - during or after the quest; Harvesting produce from Yaks at the Manor farm.372 gpYesYes
Limpwurt seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, stolen from seed stalls, purchased from Olivia at the Draynor Village marketplace, or bought in Vinesweeper.373 gpNoYes
Oak shaving standPlayer made using 1 Oak plank, 1 Molten glass on an Oak workbench or better.373 gpNoYes
Leaping sturgeonFished on top of Baxtorian Falls.374 gpNoYes
Gleaming energyHarvested from Gleaming wisps and Gleaming springs North-East of Shilo Village.374 gpNoYes
Molten glassPlayer Made (See Notes).375 gpNoYes
Impure essencePlayer Made (See Notes); Bought from Thalmund's Wares.375 gpNoNo
Cup of hot waterPlayer made (See notes).376 gpNoYes
Crude wooden chairPlayer made (See Notes Section). 376 gpNoYes
Strength potion (1)Player made (See notes section).376 gpNoNo
Carved teak tablePlayer made using six Teak planks and four Bolts of cloth on a Steel framed bench or better workbench. 377 gpNoYes
Combat potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).378 gpNoYes
Bronze fire arrows (lit)Player made (See Notes Section).379 gpYesYes
Yew shortbow (u)Player made (See Notes Section).380 gpNoNo
Part mud pie (1/2)Player made (See Notes Section).380 gpNoYes
Clean guamPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop; Obtained from Box of summoning ingredients; Obtained from Spirit implings.381 gpNoNo
Villager robe (pink)Buy from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village.381 gpNoYes
Leaping salmonFished on top of Baxtorian Falls.381 gpNoYes
Ogre topPurchased in Oo'glog from Frawd.381 gpNoYes
Orichalcite stone spiritObtained from mining Orichalcite rocks; Monster Drop.381 gpNoYes
Adamant dart tipPlayer made using the Smithing skill.382 gpNoYes
TiaraPlayer made (See Notes Section).382 gpNoNo
Attack potion (1)Player made (See Notes Section).382 gpNoNo
Yak tuftHarvesting produce from Yaks at the Manor farm.382 gpNoYes
Spirit Kyatt scroll (Ambush)Player made. 383 gpYesYes
Gardening bootsMonster drop.384 gpNoYes
Dark kebbit furMonster drop.384 gpNoYes
Snape grassPlayer Made (See Notes); Found on Waterbirth Island and Hobgoblin peninsula (South West of the Crafting Guild); Pickpocketed from Meilyr workers in Prifddinas; Monster Drop.385 gpNoYes
White candleBought from the Candle maker in Catherby, from the General Store in Keldagrim, Tai Bwo Wannai and Shilo Village shops, and from the candle seller near the Lumbridge Swamp.386 gpNoYes
Team-19 capeBought from Simon. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.386 gpNoNo
Mahogany logsCut from an Mahogany Tree; Monster Drop.386 gpNoNo
1/3 green blubber jellyfishPlayer Made (See Notes).386 gpNoYes
Cooking appleRespawns at the Cooks' Guild, North Ardougne farming shop, and the Ship in Pirate's cove; Bought from the Cooks' Guild, North Ardougne farming shop, and the Culinaromancer's Chest in Lumbridge; Picked from an Apple tree.387 gpNoNo
AcornFound in a bird nest while cutting trees, received from bird nests from your kingdom (after Throne of Miscellania quest), from bird nest received from when you trade Wyson the gardener moleskins or moleclaws, a possible reward from the Evil Tree distraction/diversion, or bought in Vinesweeper.387 gpNoYes
Magic mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).389 gpNoYes
Black woolObtained from black sheep by using shears on one; Harvesting produce from Black ewes or Black rams at the Manor farm.389 gpYesNo
Adamant fire arrows (unlit)Player made (See Notes Section).390 gpNoYes
Unlit torchRespawns at the Fishing Platform, Tai Bwo Wannai general store, bought from Miltog's lamps at Dorgesh-Kaan for 6gp, bought from Aleck in Yanille, and pickpocketed from Cave goblins in Dorgesh-Kaan.391 gpNoYes
Watering canBrought from Heskel in Falador and Head Farmer Jones in Taverley.391 gpNoNo
Guthix balance (2)Player made (See Notes Section).391 gpNoYes
Raw salmonPlayer caught (See Notes Section); Monster drop.392 gpNoNo
Off-hand dragon throwing axeMonster drop.393 gpNoYes
Stronghold notesFound just inside the Stronghold of Security by searching a dead explorer or on the shelves in a house in the village.394 gpNoNo
Hard leather glovesPlayer made, bought from shops (See the notes section) or bought from the Grand Exchange System.394 gpNoNo