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Croesus flakesMonster Drop.244 gpNoYes
Spirit Larupia scroll (Rending)Using a spirit larupia pouch on an obelisk.245 gpNoYes
Big bonesRespawns in the Boneyard. Monster drop.246 gpNoNo
AntlersBought from Pikkupstix in Taverley, Bogrog in Gu'Tanoth, the Wishing Well in Mort Myre Swamp, and Lord Amlodd in Prifddinas.246 gpNoYes
Zamorak robe (bottom)Monster drop.248 gpNoNo
Oak clockPlayer made (See Notes Section).248 gpNoYes
Flattened hideMonster drop.249 gpNoYes
Broken mementoPotential drop from Ghost impling; Shambling Horror; Sparkling glyph; Wondering soul. 250 gpNoYes
CurryPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop251 gpNoYes
Raw tunaPlayer caught and made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.251 gpNoNo
Combat potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section). 251 gpNoYes
Obsidian Golem scroll (Volcanic Strength)Using an obsidian golem pouch on an obelisk.252 gpNoYes
Necrite stone spiritObtained from mining Necrite rocks; Monster Drop.252 gpNoYes
Apple tree seedFound in Bird nests.253 gpNoYes
Phasmatite stone spiritObtained from mining Phasmatite rocks; Monster Drop.254 gpNoYes
Law runePlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible monster drop.259 gpNoNo
Water orbPlayer made and monster dropped.259 gpNoYes
Green robe bottomsBought from Rometti for 180 coins.260 gpNoYes
Fishing potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).261 gpNoYes
Oak shortbow (u)Player Made.262 gpNoNo
Pirate bandana (white)Bought from the Mos Le'Harmless Island shop.262 gpNoYes
Gloves (yellow)Barker's Haberdashery Clothing Store in Canifis.263 gpNoNo
Willow seedFound in a bird nest while cutting trees, received from bird nests from your kingdom (after Throne of Miscellania quest), from bird nest received from when you trade Wyson the gardener moleskins or moleclaws, a possible reward from the Evil Tree distraction/diversion, or bought in Vinesweeper.264 gpNoYes
Geyser Titan scroll (Boil)Player made (see notes).264 gpNoYes
Rabbit teethHarvesting produce from Rabbits at the Manor farm.264 gpNoYes
Raw ghostly soleCity of Um.264 gpNoNo
Luminite stone spiritObtained from mining Luminite rocks; Monster Drop.265 gpNoNo
Feather headdress (orange)Player made (See Notes Section).266 gpNoYes
Druid's robe (top)Monster drop.267 gpNoNo
Blamish blue shell (round)Monster drop.267 gpNoYes
Skewered kebabIt is sold for 25 coins each by Marion, the barmaid. 267 gpNoYes
Raw lobsterPlayer caught (See Notes Section); Monster drop.268 gpNoNo
Fragile cooking urnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Priest gown (top)Bought from Thessalia in Varrock.269 gpNoNo
Bruise blue snelm (round)Player made (See Notes Section).272 gpNoYes
Huge blunt bronze salvageMonster Drop.272 gpNoNo
Cave eelPlayer made.274 gpNoYes
Pirate bandana (blue)Bought from the Mos Le'Harmless Island shop.274 gpNoYes
Raw crunchiesPlayer Made (See Notes).275 gpNoYes
Raw swordfishPlayer caught (See Notes Section); Monster drop.275 gpNoNo
Bronze armoured bootsMonster drop.275 gpNoNo
Team-6 capeBought from Richard. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.275 gpNoNo
Team-50 capeBought from Sam. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.275 gpNoNo
Elemental Titan scroll (Titan's Constitution)Player made (See Notes Section).275 gpNoYes
Small blunt iron salvageMonster Drop.275 gpNoNo
Slice of cakePlayer made.276 gpNoNo
Moonlight mead (m)Player made (See Notes section).277 gpNoYes
Olive oil (2)Bought from the Mort'ton General store, Rasolo the Wandering Merchant. This is also a possible reward for using Serum 207 on the afflicted in Mort'ton.278 gpNoYes
Off-hand adamant throwing axePlayer made (See Notes Section).279 gpNoNo
Diamond bolts (e)Player made (See Notes Section).281 gpNoYes
NeedleBought from Dommik in Al Kharid; Search haystacks; Possible monster drop.283 gpNoNo
Team-40 capeBought from Sam. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.284 gpNoNo
Luminous snaggler seedMonster Drop.284 gpNoYes
Greater necroplasmPlayer Made (See Notes).284 gpNoNo
Fremennik shirt (beige)Bought from Yrsa, in the Rellekka clothes shop.286 gpNoYes
Smoke runeMade by taking Air runes and an Air talisman to a fire altar with Pure essence or taking Fire runes and a Fire talisman to the air altar with Pure essence. They can also be bought at the Mage Training Arena for 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment and 1 Graveyard Pizazz Points. During the process, the Air talisman or Fire talisman will be consumed.287 gpNoYes
Rune boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.287 gpNoNo
Team-23 capeBought from Larry. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.288 gpNoNo
Premade worm holePurchased from Gnome waiter.289 gpNoYes
Dragon javelinAbomination after the Hero's Welcome quest is completed. 289 gpNoYes
Iron Titan scroll (Iron Within)Player made (See Notes Section).290 gpNoYes
Premade veg ballPurchased from Gnome Waiter.290 gpNoYes
Raw undead chickenUndead farm east of Fenkenstrain Castle, Morytania.291 gpNoYes
Relicym's mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).292 gpNoYes
Off-hand dragon javelinIt is always received as a drop from the Abomination after the Hero's Welcome quest is completed. 292 gpNoYes
Dragon scale dustPlayer made (See Notes Section); Can be obtained from pickpocketing Meilyr workers in Prifddinas.293 gpNoYes
Mithril knifePlayer made (see notes) and Monster drops.293 gpNoNo
Bucket of waterUse a bucket with any source of water.293 gpNoNo
Ogre arrowPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Frawd in Oo'glog.293 gpNoYes
Pack Yak scroll (Winter Storage)Obtained by transforming a Pack yak pouch on the obelisk.293 gpNoYes
Tomato seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers; Stolen from a Seed stall; Bought from Olivia in Draynor Village and Coeden in Prifddinas; Monster drop; Bought from Vinesweeper.294 gpNoYes
Wolpertinger scroll (Magic Focus)Player made (See Notes Section).294 gpNoYes
Marrentill tarPlayer made (See Notes Section).295 gpNoYes
Waterskin (0)Shantay's store at Shantay Pass, south of Al Kharid.296 gpNoYes
Bucket of milkFrom Dairy cows; Spawns within a house in East Rellekka; Purchased (See Notes); Harvesting produce from Kandarin cows at the Manor farm.296 gpNoNo