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Fruit Bat scroll (Fruitfall)Player made(See notes section).206 gpNoYes
Unicorn Stallion scroll (Healing Aura)Obtained by transforming a Unicorn Stallion pouch on the obelisk.206 gpNoYes
Medium blunt bronze salvageMonster Drop.207 gpNoNo
Pottery statuettePyramid Plunder Mini-game.208 gpNoYes
Mithril Minotaur scroll (Mithril Bull Rush)Player made (See Note Section).208 gpNoYes
Maple wood spiritObtained from Bird's nest (Wood spirits).208 gpNoYes
Cooked chompy (roasted)Obtained during the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest.209 gpNoYes
Curry tree seedFound in Bird nests.209 gpNoYes
Team-3 capeBought from Larry. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.209 gpNoNo
Cooked chompyPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Frawd in Oo'glog.209 gpNoYes
Dinosaur clawsHarvesting produce from Feral and Ripper dinosaurs at the Ranch Out of Time.209 gpNoYes
Steel dart tipPlayer made (see notes).210 gpNoYes
Team-36 capeBought from Richard. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.210 gpNoNo
Adamant Minotaur scroll (Adamant Bull Rush)Player made (See Notes Section).210 gpYesYes
Team-29 capeBought from Simon. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.211 gpNoNo
Team-33 capeBought from Larry. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.211 gpNoNo
Pink robe bottomsBought from Rometti for 180 coins.211 gpNoYes
Team-26 capeBought from Richard. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.212 gpNoNo
Evil turnip seedFound in a bird nest.214 gpNoYes
Lampenflora seedMonster Drop.214 gpNoYes
Mahogany stockBought from Hirko in Keldagrim; Player made (See Notes Section).215 gpNoYes
Death runeRespawns south-west of the abandoned house in Feldip hills, south of Gu'Tanoth. Player made (See Notes); Bought from Magic Store owner in the Wizards' Guild and Ali Morrisane after the Rogue Trader mini-game; Possible monster drop.216 gpNoNo
Pure essenceMined after completing the Rune Mysteries Quest, teleport to the mine by talking to Sedridor, Aubury, Wizard Cromperty, Brimstail, or Wizard Frumscone.
Can be bought from Wizard Elriss in the Runecraft Guild for one Runecrafting guild token.
218 gpNoNo
Spiky vambracesPlayer made (See Notes Section).218 gpNoYes
BonesMonster drop; Multiple spawn locations.220 gpNoNo
Giant Ent scroll (Acorn Missile)Player made (See Notes Section.)220 gpYesYes
Ward of subjugation shardMonster drop.221 gpNoYes
Maple stockBought from Hirko in Keldagrim, Hura in the Dwarven Mines, and Holoy in the Dwarven Passage; Player made (See Notes Section).222 gpNoYes
War Tortoise scroll (Testudo)Using a war tortoise pouch on an obelisk.222 gpNoYes
Lychee seedMonster Drop; Obtained from Reward casket (elite).222 gpNoYes
Energy mix (2)Player made (See Notes Section).223 gpNoYes
Praying Mantis scroll (Mantis Strike)Player made (See Notes Section).223 gpNoYes
Fletching potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).223 gpNoYes
Diamond boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).224 gpNoNo
Teak plankPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers in Prifddinas.224 gpNoYes
Brilliant energyHarvested from Brilliant wisps and Brilliant springs east of the Mage Training Arena.224 gpNoYes
Broken cannon stand (empty)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Team-39 capeBought from Simon. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.225 gpNoNo
Cake tinRespawns in the Cooks' Guild and the ruins in level 25 Wilderness; Bought at the Cooking supplies store in Yanille and most general stores.226 gpNoNo
Off-hand mithril knifePlayer made (See Notes Section).227 gpNoNo
Granite Lobster scroll (Crushing Claw)Player made (See Notes Section).228 gpNoYes
Druid robe (bottom)Dropped by Druids in Taverley.229 gpNoNo
Energy mix (1)Player made (See Notes Section).229 gpNoYes
Wizard bootsBought from various specialty shops; Player made (See Notes Section).229 gpNoNo
Pineapple seedFound in Bird nests, bought in Vinesweeper.230 gpNoYes
Whiteberry seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, or bought in Vinesweeper.230 gpNoYes
Mahogany tablePlayer made (See Notes Section).230 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (stripy)Player made (See Notes Section).230 gpNoYes
Phoenix scroll (Rise From The Ashes)Player made (See notes section).232 gpNoYes
Fremennik bootsFremennik boots can be bought from Yrsa's Shoe Store in Rellekka for 650 coins after completing the The Fremennik Trials. 233 gpNoYes
Cooked slimy eelPlayer made (See Notes Section).233 gpNoYes
Desert goat hornDropped by Goats and Billy Goats.233 gpNoYes
Ogre arrow shaftThey are made by cutting an Achey tree and using a knife on the Achey tree logs.234 gpNoYes
Menap action kilt (Red)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid (see notes section).235 gpNoYes
Cooked undead meatPlayers can only make it by cooking raw beef (from an undead cow) on a range or a fire.235 gpNoYes
Blamish bark shellMonster drop.235 gpNoYes
Banana tree seedFound in Bird nests.236 gpNoYes
Antipoison (4)Player made (See Notes Section).236 gpNoYes
Dragon arrowPlayer made (See notes).237 gpNoYes
Menap action kilt (Purple)Players can obtain one by trading with Ali Morrisane after completing the miniquest Rogue Trader. 237 gpNoYes
Poison ivy seedPickpocketed from Master Farmers, dropped by farmers, or bought in Vinesweeper.238 gpNoYes
Orange tree seedFound in Bird nests.238 gpNoYes
Luminous energyHarvested from Luminous wisps and Luminous springs south of Sophanem; Can be obtained from pickpocketing Amlodd workers in Prifddinas.238 gpNoYes
Spirit Graahk scroll (Goad)Using a spirit graahk pouch on an obelisk.239 gpNoYes
Squeck juicePurchased from the Bartender of the Golden Scarab.239 gpNoYes
Willow shortbow (u)Player made.240 gpNoNo
Stretched hideMonster drop.240 gpNoYes
Team-16 capeBought from Richard. Please see the Wilderness Team Cape Sellers map for his location.241 gpNoNo
Iron crossbow (u)Player made.241 gpNoNo
Mithril throwing axePlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from the Tribal Weapon Salesman in the Ranging Guild; Monster drop.242 gpNoNo
Swamp tarPickpocketing Cave goblins; Monster drop; Respawns in Lumbridge Swamp, Mort Myre Swamp, inside buckets and barrels on pirate ship to Lunar Isle, and in a barrel on Lunar Isle near the Astral altar; Harvesting produce from Lizard chickens at the Manor farm.243 gpNoYes
H.a.m. logoStolen from H.A.M. men and women.243 gpNoYes
Feather headdress (red)Player made (See Notes Section).244 gpNoYes
Armadyl buckler shardMonster drop.244 gpNoYes
Huge spiky bronze salvageMonster Drop.244 gpNoNo