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Name descasc Location descasc Market price descasc Quest Members Only
Bronze 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild, from Gaius in Taverley, and from Gulluck in Tree Gnome Stronghold.3,534 gpNoNo
Granite (2kg)Mined at the Quarry in the Kharidian Desert; Player made (See Notes Section).3,538 gpNoYes
Silverhawk feathersSilverhawk feathers can be won on Treasure Hunter or from a Summer loot pinata, hidden within its loot bag.
Additionally spare boot pieces can be converted into feathers.
3,539 gpNoNo
Dragon metalObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Volcanic ash; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.3,543 gpNoYes
Wolf bonesWolf bones is a members-only item obtained by killing a wolf or werewolf on a pay-to-play world. A wolf killed in a free-to-play world will not drop wolf bones.3,551 gpNoNo
Magic incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).3,572 gpNoNo
GadderhammerGiven to you by Aurel, at his general store in Burgh de Rott.3,573 gpYesYes
Ranarr potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).3,582 gpNoYes
Orange flowersPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,586 gpNoYes
Necronium armoured bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,592 gpNoYes
Raw bassPlayer caught and made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.3,597 gpNoYes
Blood'n'tar snelm (pointed)Player made (See Notes Section).3,604 gpNoYes
Rose petalsPossible reward from the Treasure Hunter, skilling, completing daily challenges, and killing monsters.3,604 gpNoNo
Bronze wirePlayer made (See Notes Section).3,605 gpNoYes
Medium bladed steel salvageMonster Drop.3,615 gpNoNo
Dareeyak teleportPlayer Made (See Notes).3,616 gpNoYes
Weapon poison (4)Player Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.3,622 gpNoYes
Obsidian golem pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,625 gpNoYes
Maple rootsFound by cutting down a planted maple tree, and digging up the roots with a spade. 3,642 gpNoYes
Mystical sand seedMonster Drop.3,645 gpNoYes
Yew rootsFrom Farming. You need a level 60 Farming to plant Yew tree. When tree is fully grown, chop tree down and use spade to get tree roots.3,646 gpNoYes
Bronze swordPlayer made (See Notes); Monster Drop; Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild, Horvik in Varrock, and Beefy Bill in Lumbridge.3,648 gpNoNo
Villager sandals (white)Buy from Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai village.3,653 gpNoYes
Villager sandals (brown)Villager sandals are a form of jungle style clothing that can be bought for 100 trading sticks from Gabooty in the village of Tai Bwo Wannai. 3,654 gpNoYes
Juju cooking potion (2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,655 gpNoYes
Powerburst of vitality (4)Player Made (See Notes).3,655 gpNoYes
Fire titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,663 gpNoYes
Mithril gauntlets + 1Player made (See Notes Section).3,664 gpNoNo
Common brown rabbit (unchecked)Monster Drop.3,666 gpNoYes
Iron platelegs + 1Player Made (See Notes).3,675 gpNoNo
Initiate tassetBought from Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park.3,677 gpNoYes
Green blubber jellyfishPlayer Made (See Notes).3,677 gpNoYes
Ruby amulet (Unstrung)Player made (See notes section).3,678 gpNoYes
Royal dragonhide coifPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,679 gpNoYes
Yellow dyePurchased from Oronwen; "Made" by giving Aggie the Witch the ingredients and a fee (See Notes).3,686 gpNoNo
Hasty whirligig shellMonster Drop.3,687 gpNoYes
Grimy torstolGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Harvested from Divine herb patch III.3,694 gpNoYes
Diamond ringPlayer made (See Notes section) and monster drop.3,698 gpNoNo
Raw summer piePlayer made (See Notes Section).3,699 gpNoYes
Asgarnian ale (1)Player made (See Notes Section).3,704 gpYesYes
Extreme magic (1)Player Made (See Notes).3,705 gpNoYes
Steel titan pouchPlayer Made (See Notes).3,706 gpNoYes
Mithril med helmPlayer made (see notes section), Peksa in the Barbarian Village, or Saro in Keldagrim.3,710 gpNoNo
Off-Hand Black LongswordMonster drop; Possible Treasure Trails (Easy) reward; Possible Steel key chest reward.3,717 gpNoYes
Bronze pickaxePlayer made (See Notes Section); Respawns in the Barbarian Village, Lumbridge Castle, Rimmington, and the building next to the Mining Guild; Bought from Bob, Tati, and Nurmof; Monster drop.3,720 gpNoNo
Bronze battleaxePlayer Made (See Notes Section) and bought at the Battleaxe store in Port Sarim.3,721 gpNoNo
Moonlight mead (3)Player made (See Notes section).3,721 gpNoYes
Wergali potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).3,728 gpNoYes
CarambolaHarvested from a Carambola fruit tree, grown from a Carambola sapling. ---NoYes
Saradomin brew (2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,735 gpNoYes
Ice titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,738 gpNoYes
Raw mud piePlayer made (See Notes Section).3,738 gpNoYes
Off-hand black maceMonster drop; Mort'ton Shade Burning.3,739 gpNoYes
Thieves' Guild teleportPurchased from Dodgy Derek.---NoYes
Brass keyRespawns in the room with the Zombies in the back of the Edgeville dungeon, near the Hobgoblins.3,744 gpNoNo
Portent of restoration IIIPlayer made (See notes section).3,744 gpNoYes
Marrentill potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).3,747 gpNoYes
Yew incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).3,763 gpNoNo
Guthix rest (4)Player made (See Notes Section).3,764 gpYesYes
Weapon poison flask (4)Player made (See Notes Section).3,766 gpNoYes
M'light mead (m3)Player made (See Notes section).3,771 gpNoYes
Super Zamorak brew (2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,781 gpNoYes
Mind bodyPlayer made (See Notes section).3,782 gpYesYes
Dragon dart tipObtained from netting a Dragon impling.3,789 gpNoYes
BatwingMonster drop.3,795 gpNoYes
Black plateskirtBought from Raneal in Al Kharid.3,802 gpNoNo
DragonstonePlayer Made (See Notes); Monster drop; Purchased from the Gem store assistant.3,804 gpNoYes
Steel off hand clawsPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,808 gpNoNo
Fine clothLocked chests in Mort'ton dungeon; Purchased from Zaff.3,813 gpNoNo
Ribcage pieceMonster drop.3,825 gpNoYes
Wolpertinger pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,834 gpNoYes
Ranging potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).3,834 gpNoNo
Iron off hand mace + 1Player made (See Notes Section).3,838 gpNoNo
Yellow flowersPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,856 gpNoYes
KelpPlayer made (See Notes); Spawns in the temple located at Aminishi.3,858 gpNoYes