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Iron plateskirt + 1Player made (See Notes Section).4,698 gpNoNo
Clean toadflaxPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop; Purchased from Pirate Jackie the Fruit; Rare Drop Table; Reward from Gnome Restaurant.4,717 gpNoYes
White longswordBought from Sir Vyvin in Falador.4,737 gpNoYes
Large bladed steel salvageMonster Drop.4,743 gpNoNo
Hellhound scroll (Soul Food)Player Made (See Notes).4,743 gpNoYes
Rock-shell splinterMonster drop.4,762 gpNoYes
Redberry piePlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Romily Weaklax in the Cooks' Guild.4,763 gpNoNo
Mithril gauntlets + 2Player made (See Notes Section).4,770 gpNoNo
Iron longswordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.4,775 gpNoNo
Law talismanMonster Drop.4,776 gpNoYes
Saratrice eggPlayer made or a possible loot from a Spirit impling.4,781 gpNoYes
Steel med helmPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild; Bought from Saro in Keldagrim; Bought from the helmet store in Barbarian Village; Possible monster drop.4,789 gpNoNo
Shorts (blue)Bought from Agmundi in Keldagrim.4,793 gpNoYes
Grimy lantadymeGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Possible reward from Sorceress's Garden (instead of Sq'irk); Reward from Red tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch III.4,797 gpNoYes
Steel off hand longswordPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,800 gpNoYes
Fiyr remainsMonster drop.4,802 gpYesYes
Abyssal parasite pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,808 gpNoYes
Oak rootsChop down an oak and dig up the roots with a spade on your own oak in a farming patch.4,809 gpNoYes
Crossbow stringPlayer made (see Notes section).4,811 gpNoNo
Apples (5)Player made.4,813 gpNoYes
Guthix rest flask (5)Player made (See Notes Section).4,815 gpNoYes
Black chainbodyBought from Wayne in Falador and Saro in Keldagrim; Monster drop; Possible Mort'ton Shade Burning reward.4,831 gpNoNo
Super antipoison (3)Player made (See Notes Section).4,844 gpNoYes
Spider carcassMonster drop.4,850 gpNoYes
Moonlight mead (4)Player made (See Notes section).4,851 gpNoYes
Christmas jumper token (guthix)Possible reward from the Christmas piñata loot bag (2018).4,852 gpNoYes
Compost potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).4,860 gpNoYes
Weapon poison flask (5)Player made (See Notes Section).4,860 gpNoYes
Dragon bitter (3)Player made (See Notes Section).4,861 gpNoYes
Tribal top (white/blue)Tribal tops can be bought from Gabooty's Cooperative store with 300 trading sticks.4,869 gpNoYes
Wyvern bonesDropped by Skeletal wyverns. 4,875 gpNoYes
Gargoyle scroll (Hammer Rock)Player Made (See Notes).4,878 gpNoYes
Super strength (2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,881 gpNoYes
Steel off hand warhammer + 1Player made (See Notes Section).4,883 gpNoNo
Iron mattockPlayer Made (See Notes Section); Bought from Matty Ock in the Archaeology Guild.4,884 gpNoNo
Raw admiral piePlayer made. (See notes section)4,886 gpNoYes
Giant frog legsMonster drop. 4,887 gpNoYes
Steel platelegs + 1Player made (See Notes Section).4,890 gpNoNo
Seahorse balloonObtained from inside a Summer pinata loot bag.4,903 gpNoNo
Present sack token2017 Advent calendar event; from Christmas piñata loot bag.4,906 gpNoNo
Bandos helmet shardMonster drop.4,909 gpNoYes
Super cooking potion (4)Player Made (See Notes).4,915 gpNoYes
ShortbowRepsawns northwest of the right side of the bridge over the River Elid.
Upstairs in a house in Taverly.

Player made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.
4,920 gpNoNo
Extreme strength (1)Player Made (See Notes).4,923 gpNoYes
Third Age ironObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Ancient gravel, Fiery brimstone, Saltwater mud, Aerated sediment, or Earthen clay; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.4,957 gpNoNo
Green dragonhide shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,981 gpNoNo
Splitbark wandBought from Wizard Jalarast in the Wizards' Tower.4,989 gpNoNo
Snakeskin chapsPlayer made.4,995 gpNoNo
Fellstalk potion (unf)Player Made (See Notes).5,000 gpNoYes
Asciatops meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).5,011 gpNoYes
Clean kwuarmPlayer Made (See Notes).5,044 gpNoYes
Magic rootsObtained by cutting down and digging up a Magic tree that you've grown.5,045 gpNoYes
Mithril hastaPlayer made (see notes) and Monster drop.5,047 gpNoYes
White full helmBought from Sir Vyvin in Falador.5,058 gpNoYes
Asgarnian ale (m3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,066 gpYesYes
Strong fishing urn (nr)Player made (See Notes Section). 5,069 gpNoYes
Bagrada rex meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).5,073 gpNoYes
Slayer's respite (m)Obtained by playing Trouble Brewing Mini-Game.5,086 gpNoYes
Toy dollPlayer made using 1 Clockwork and 1 Plank on a Crafting table 3 or 4. 5,088 gpYesYes
Toy doll (wound)Winding a Toy doll. 5,088 gpYesYes
Weapon poison+ flask (3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,091 gpNoYes
Wergali incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).5,096 gpNoYes
Emerald ringPlayer made (See notes section); Monster drop; Jewelry shop in Port Sarim; and possible loot from a bird's nest.5,098 gpNoNo
Guam incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).5,098 gpNoNo
Steel platebodyRespawns at the Lava Maze in Level 40 Wilderness; Purchased from Horvick, Zenesha, and the Armour store assistant; Monster Drop; Player Made (See Notes Section).5,101 gpNoNo
Antipoison+ (3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,117 gpNoYes
Armadyl helmet shardMonster drop.5,125 gpNoYes
Papaya fruitGrown from a papaya tree, requires level 57 farming. Can also be obtained from the Fruit bat's special move Fruitfall, 69 Summoning to make and use.5,129 gpNoYes
Dragon knifeMonster drop.5,129 gpNoYes
Sanfew serum (3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,134 gpNoYes
Red dragonhide bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).5,138 gpNoYes
Mithril armoured boots + 2Player made (See Notes Section).5,138 gpNoNo
Eclectic impling jarPuro-Puro.5,139 gpNoYes
Clean marrentillPlayer Made (See Notes).5,151 gpNoYes
Prayer potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).5,156 gpNoYes