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Chopped onionPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,862 gpNoYes
Aetherium alloyObtained by excavating various Hotspots and Caches (See Notes for details) or Screening Aerated sediment; Possible reward from an Ancient casket.3,862 gpNoYes
Poison bombPlayer Made (See Notes).3,863 gpNoYes
Moss titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,867 gpNoYes
Tiny blunt adamant salvageMonster Drop.3,870 gpNoNo
Runite oreObtained from Runite rocks; Purchased from Hring Hring in Jatizso and Ordan in Keldagrim.3,882 gpNoNo
Iron kiteshieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); bought from the Shield shop in Falador.3,884 gpNoNo
Asgarnian ale (Construction)Player made (See Notes Section). 3,884 gpYesYes
Iron titan pouchPlayer Made (See Notes).3,886 gpNoYes
Black hatchetMonster drop; Possible Treasure Trails reward (Easy Clue scroll).3,888 gpNoNo
Impling jarPlayer made (See notes) and obtained from Elnock Inquisitor.3,889 gpNoYes
Elder shortbow (u)Player made. (See notes section)3,891 gpNoYes
Cosmic helmetPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,894 gpYesYes
Off-hand black warhammer Bought from Vigr (or Seiglinde if you chose to exile or execute Vigr in Birthright of the Dwarves) in Keldagrim; Monster drop.3,896 gpNoYes
Proselyte salletBought from Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park.3,898 gpNoYes
Graahk headdressCrafted by the owner of the Fancy Dress Shop in Varrock.3,902 gpNoYes
Greenman's ale (flatpack)Player made (See Notes Section).3,911 gpYesYes
Steel off hand warhammerBought from Skulgrimen in Rellekka and Vigr (or Seiglinde if you chose to exile or execute Vigr in Birthright of the Dwarves) in Keldagrim; Player made (See Notes Section).3,915 gpNoYes
Blue dragonhide chapsPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,916 gpNoNo
Light creature pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,923 gpNoYes
Krandorian hopsGrown in a hops patch, requires level 21 farming.3,924 gpNoYes
Bronze 2h crossbowPlayer made(See Notes Section).3,927 gpNoNo
Clean fellstalkPlayer Made (See Notes).3,930 gpNoYes
Bracelet of clayPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,931 gpNoNo
Choc iceBought from Rokuh, the Choc-ice seller in the Nardah marketplace.3,932 gpNoYes
Yak-hide armour (top)Player made (See Notes Section).3,935 gpYesYes
Splitbark helmPlayer Made (See Notes); Monster Drop.3,936 gpNoNo
Dwarven stout (2)Player made (See Notes Section).3,943 gpNoYes
Batwing legsPlayer made (See Notes Section).3,948 gpNoNo
Huge spiky steel salvageMonster Drop.3,949 gpNoNo
Grimy toadflaxGrown and Harvested with the Farming skill; Monster Drop; Reward from Yellow tokens at Temple Trekking/Burgh de Rott Ramble; Found in Herb Packs purchased at Pest Control (30 Commendation Points); Harvested from Divine herb patch I.3,950 gpNoYes
White maceBought from Sir Vyvin in the White Knights Castle, in Falador.3,958 gpNoYes
Juju fishing potion (1)Player made (See Section Notes).3,959 gpNoYes
Wooden incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).3,962 gpNoNo
Flowers (Red/Yellow/Blue)Player made (See Notes Section). Can also be bought from the Flower Girl located in the square of Miscellania for 15gp. 3,963 gpNoYes
Spirit scorpion pouchPlayer made.3,968 gpNoYes
Iron swordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.3,969 gpNoNo
Mixture - step 1 (3)Player made (See Notes section).3,986 gpNoYes
Basilisk bootsMonster drop.3,991 gpNoNo
BattlestaffBought from Naff Varrock, Baba Yaga on Lunar Island, and Haf and Lunet in Prifddinas; Monster drop.4,006 gpNoYes
Rock-shell shardMonster drop.4,019 gpNoYes
Stack of presents tokenChristmas pinata loot bag; 2017 Advent Calendar. 4,019 gpNoNo
Sanfew serum (1)Player made (See Notes Section).4,021 gpNoYes
Large blunt steel salvageMonster Drop.4,028 gpNoNo
ShieldbowPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Bow and Arrow salesman in the Ranging Guild; Possible monster drop.4,034 gpNoNo
Sapphire necklacePlayer made (See notes) and Monster drop.4,041 gpNoNo
Mind bomb (3)Player made (See Notes Section).4,044 gpNoYes
Medium spiky mithril salvageMonster Drop.4,044 gpNoNo
Saradomin's blessing (2)Result from drinking a saradomin's blessing (3).4,046 gpNoYes
Steel off hand daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,048 gpNoYes
Portent of restoration IPlayer made (See notes section).4,052 gpNoNo
LycheeHarvested from a Lychee fruit bush, grown from a Lychee seed.4,053 gpNoYes
Initiate hauberkPurchased from Sir Tiffy Cashien after Recruitment Drive quest.4,058 gpNoYes
Vanilla milkHarvesting produce from Vanilla cows at the Manor farm.4,061 gpNoNo
Iron pickaxePlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Tati and Nurmof; Respawns on the North coast of Rellekka; Monster drop.4,065 gpNoNo
Nature talismanMonster Drop; Purchased from Wizard Elriss.4,072 gpNoYes
Raw garden piePlayer made (See Notes Section).4,072 gpNoYes
Extreme attack (4)Player Made (See Notes).4,084 gpNoYes
Axeman's folly (1)Player made (See Notes Section).4,092 gpYesYes
Geyser titan pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,097 gpNoYes
Pigswill (2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,100 gpNoYes
Iron 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes); Bought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild, from Gaius' Two Handed Shop in Taverley, and at the Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold; Possible monster drop.4,101 gpNoNo
Large plated mithril salvageMonster Drop.4,104 gpNoNo
Forinthry bracelet (5)Player made (See Notes Section).4,110 gpNoYes
Pack yak pouchPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,111 gpNoYes
Steel off hand swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).4,118 gpNoYes
Maple blackjack (o)Ali Morrisane in Al Kharid.4,135 gpNoYes
Proselyte cuisseBought from Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park.4,136 gpNoYes
Steel off hand macePlayer made (See Notes Section).4,140 gpNoYes
Green dragonhide bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section); Bought from Oziach in Edgeville (only after Dragon Slayer) and the Ticket Merchant in the Ranging Guild (costs 856 Archery tickets); Monster drop; Possible Treasure Trails reward (Medium Clue scroll).4,155 gpNoNo
Dragon bitter (m2)Player made (See Notes Section).4,163 gpNoYes
Red salamanderCaught with a Net trap around the entrance to the Ourania (ZMI) Altar, northeast of the Observatory.4,168 gpNoYes
Fibula pieceFibula pieces are obtained as a drop from Dagannoths and Wallasalkis, found underneath Waterbirth Island.4,174 gpNoYes
Black LongswordBought from Anton in the Warriors' Guild and the Sword Store in Varrock; Possible monster drop.4,182 gpNoNo
Accursed maple incense sticksPlayer Made (See Notes).4,184 gpNoNo