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Third age robePossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).186.0m gpNoYes
Staff of SliskePlayer Made (See Notes).184.3m gpNoYes
Hexhunter bowMonster Drop.184.2m gpNoYes
Third age ranger chapsPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).182.9m gpNoYes
Third age mage hatPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).181.9m gpNoYes
Third age vambracesA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (Hard Clue scroll).180.8m gpNoYes
Third age ranger coifPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll). 179.8m gpNoYes
Third age ranger bodyPossible reward from Treasure Trails (Hard Clue scroll).178.7m gpNoYes
Third age druidic cloakPossible reward from an elite clue scroll.177.7m gpNoYes
Second-Age mage maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).176.8m gpNoYes
Demonic title scroll (frostborn)Monster drop.175.8m gpNoYes
Third-age druidic robePossible reward from an elite clue scroll.171.5m gpNoYes
Elite sirenic maskPlayer Made (See Notes).164.2m gpNoYes
Third-age mage setGrand Exchange or other players.161.3m gpNoYes
Third age druidic staffPossible reward from an elite clue scroll.161.3m gpNoYes
Off-hand Blightbound crossbowMonster Drop.156.3m gpNoYes
Second-Age full helmPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).153.8m gpNoYes
Alchemical hydrix broochPlayer Made (See Notes).148.8m gpNoYes
Armadyl battlestaffPlayer made (See Notes Section).146.4m gpNoYes
BondBought from Jagex.146.0m gpNoNo
Cryptbloom boots (incomplete)Monster Drop.142.0m gpNoYes
Wand of the praesulDropped by Nex: Angel of Death, purchased from the Grand Exchange.135.7m gpNoYes
Brooch of the GodsPlayer Made (See Notes).133.2m gpNoYes
Alchemical hydrixPlayer Made (See Notes).129.7m gpNoYes
Volcanic fragmentsMonster Drop.129.3m gpNoYes
Blightbound crossbowMonster Drop.127.8m gpNoYes
Intricate smoke-shrouded chestDropped by Nex: Angel of Death.125.8m gpNoYes
Christmas tree hatWas obtainable during the 2012 Christmas season by trading in a sapphire, emerald, ruby, diamond, and dragonstone present.125.5m gpNoNo
Scripture of BikMonster Drop (Croesus).123.6m gpNoYes
Seismic singularity Monster drop.121.7m gpNoYes
Imperium coreNex: Angel of Death.119.5m gpNoYes
Trimmed masterwork platelegsPlayer Made (See Notes).118.4m gpNoYes
Infinity robes setPlayer made (See notes section).114.4m gpNoYes
Mimic tongue capeMonster dropped.110.9m gpNoNo
Barrows dyePossible reward from a Reward casket (hard) or Reward casket (elite).110.0m gpNoYes
Khopesh of ElidinisPlayer Made (See Notes).107.7m gpNoYes
Elite tectonic maskPlayer Made (See Notes).103.9m gpNoYes
Gnome scarfPossible reward from Gnome Restaurant mini-game.103.5m gpNoYes
Pirate hook (left)Purchased from Brimhaven agility arena for 800 tickets.103.4m gpNoYes
Cloak of SeasonsPlayer made (See Notes Section); Possible Treasure Hunter reward between May 23rd and June 3rd 2014.95.8m gpNoNo
Second-Age range coifPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).89.7m gpNoYes
Seismic wandMonster drop.89.2m gpNoYes
Tribal finMonster Drop.89.0m gpNoYes
Cinderbane glovesDropped by monsters in the Lost Grove82.7m gpNoYes
Superior long boneMonster Drop.80.7m gpNoYes
Torva platebodyMonster drop; Player Made (See Notes Section).80.4m gpNoYes
Double Surge codex (tradeable)Player Made (See Notes).79.6m gpNoYes
Ascension CrossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).79.5m gpNoYes
Alchemical onyx necklacePlayer Made (See Notes Section).79.4m gpNoYes
Third-age ranger setGrand Exchange or other players.79.3m gpNoYes
Alchemical onyx ringPlayer made (see notes).79.0m gpNoYes
Off-Hand Ascension CrossbowPlayer made (See Notes Section).78.6m gpNoYes
Statius's warhammerMonster drop.77.6m gpNoYes
Trimmed masterwork helmPlayer Made (See Notes).77.5m gpNoYes
Passage of the abyss (unattuned)Player Made (See Notes Section).73.3m gpNoYes
Double Escape codex (tradeable)Player Made (See Notes).72.7m gpNoYes
Demonic title scroll (blazing)Monster drop.71.8m gpNoYes
Hydrix amuletPlayer made (See notes section).69.6m gpNoYes
Pink Santa hatDrop from 2024 Christmas event.69.3m gpNoNo
Alchemical OnyxPlayer made (See Notes Section).68.2m gpNoYes
Grace of the elvesPlayer Made (See Notes).67.2m gpNoYes
Khopesh of TumekenPlayer Made (See Notes).66.3m gpNoYes
Hydrix necklacePlayer made (See notes section).65.7m gpNoYes
Luck of the DwarvesPlayer Made (See Notes).65.4m gpNoYes
Purple Santa hatDrop from 2023 Christmas event.65.4m gpNoNo
Hydrix ringPlayer made (See notes section).64.3m gpNoYes
Deathtouch braceletPlayer made (See notes section).62.5m gpNoYes
Ring of deathPlayer made (See notes section).61.4m gpNoYes
Reaper necklacePlayer made (See notes section).60.7m gpNoYes
Amulet of soulsPlayer made (See notes section).59.8m gpNoYes
Uncut hydrixPlayer made (See notes section).58.5m gpNoYes
HydrixPlayer made (See notes section).57.9m gpNoYes
Incomplete hydrixThis can be bought from the Soul reaper rewards shop for 300 reaper points.56.6m gpNoYes
Reprisal ability codexMonster Drop.52.6m gpNoYes
Malevolent cuirassPlayer made (See Notes Section).50.0m gpNoYes