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Golden threadPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).1.7m gpNoYes
Elder rune platelegs + 4Player made (See Notes Section).1.7m gpNoYes
Elder rune full helm + 5Player made (See Notes Section).1.7m gpNoYes
Santa costume gloves (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 1.7m gpNoNo
Dragon full helmMonster drop.1.6m gpNoYes
Bat MaskPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.6m gpNoNo
Adamant helm (h1)A possible reward from a Level 2 Clue scroll.1.6m gpNoNo
Dark mystic robes setThe Grand Exchange.1.6m gpNoYes
Adamant platebody (h1)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.6m gpNoNo
Ganodermic ponchoPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.6m gpNoYes
Elder rune pickaxe + 5Player Made (See Notes).1.6m gpNoYes
Elder rune round shield + 5Player made (See Notes Section).1.6m gpNoYes
Elder rune longsword + 5Player made (See Notes Section).1.6m gpNoYes
Amphibious jadinko (unchecked)Found when hunting Amphibious jadinkos.1.6m gpNoYes
Common jadinko (unchecked)Found when hunting Common jadinkos.1.6m gpNoYes
Santa costume legs (green)Drop from 2021 Christmas event. 1.6m gpNoNo
Death guard (Tier 80)Player Made (See Notes).1.6m gpNoYes
Dharok's platebodyPossible reward from the Barrows Activity.1.5m gpNoYes
Guthan's platebody (broken)Guthan's platebody degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.1.5m gpNoYes
Cat maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Wolf maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Elite black armour setPlayer made (See notes section).1.5m gpNoYes
Vesta's spearObtained as a drop from Revenants in the Forinthry dungeon.1.5m gpNoYes
Tetsu bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.5m gpNoYes
Blue checkered shirtPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Green checkered shirtPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Purple checkered shirtPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.5m gpNoNo
Flaming sword enchantmentPossible reward from a Reward casket (master).1.5m gpNoNo
Yak balloon tokenPossible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (April 2017 and March 2018); Purchased from Prezleek (only during the Fayre); Won from Treasure Hunter.1.5m gpNoNo
Elder rune platebody + 3Player made (See Notes Section).1.5m gpNoYes
Small crate (historic components)Player Made (See Notes).1.5m gpNoYes
Death guard (Tier 70)Player Made (See Notes).1.5m gpNoYes
Skull lantern (Tier 80)Player Made (See Notes).1.5m gpNoYes
Verac's brassardA possible reward from the Barrows minigame.1.4m gpNoYes
Red boaterPossible reward from completing a medium clue scroll1.4m gpNoYes
Black boaterTreasure Trail reward.1.4m gpNoYes
Blessed dragonhide coif (Saradomin)Possible reward from Reward casket (hard).1.4m gpNoYes
Blessed dragonhide body (Saradomin)Possible reward from Reward casket (hard).1.4m gpNoYes
Saradomin cloakPossible reward from Treasure Trails (medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoYes
Zamorakian spearMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpNoYes
Bandos chestplateMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpNoYes
Blessed dragonhide chaps (Saradomin)Possible reward from Reward casket (hard).1.4m gpNoYes
Adamant shield (h1)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
Black maskPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpYesYes
Adamant helm (h2)A possible reward from a Level 2 Clue scroll.1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant helm (h3)A possible reward from a Level 2 Clue scroll.1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant helm (h4)A possible reward from a Level 2 Clue scroll.1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant helm (h5)A possible reward from a Level 2 Clue scroll.1.4m gpNoNo
Blue elegant legsA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1).1.4m gpNoYes
Green elegant legsA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1)1.4m gpNoYes
Red elegant skirtA possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1).1.4m gpNoYes
Black gold-trimmed armour set (sk)Player made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpNoNo
Sheep maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.4m gpNoNo
Penguin maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.4m gpNoNo
Blessed dragonhide vambraces (Armadyl)Possible reward from a Reward casket (elite).1.4m gpNoYes
Blessed dragonhide body (Zaros)Possible reward from Reward casket (elite).1.4m gpNoYes
Black dragon maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (elite).1.4m gpNoYes
Black platebody (h3)A possible reward from a Treasure Trail (level 1 Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant platebody (h2)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant platebody (h3)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant platebody (h5)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant platelegs (h1)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
Adamant platelegs (h4)Possible reward from Treasure Trails (Medium Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoNo
White unicorn maskPossible reward from a Reward casket (hard).1.4m gpNoNo
Polypore staffPlayer made (See Notes section).1.4m gpNoYes
Grifolic leggingsPlayer made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpNoYes
Akrisae's robe topObtained as a possible reward from the Barrows chest.1.4m gpNoYes
Demon slayer glovesPossible reward for defeating a Demon Raid.1.4m gpNoYes
Abyssal orbMonster drop.1.4m gpNoYes
Off-Hand Black CrossbowPossible Treasure Trails reward (Easy Clue scroll).1.4m gpNoYes
Dinosaurhide bodyPlayer Made (See Notes).1.4m gpNoYes
Hypnotic parasol tokenObtainable by participating in activities during the Spring Fayre event; Purchased from Rixie.1.4m gpNoNo
Elder rune off hand longsword + 5Player made (See Notes Section).1.4m gpNoYes
Ranger bootsPossible reward from a Reward casket (medium).1.3m gpNoYes
Black cavalierPossible reward from a Reward casket (hard).1.3m gpNoNo