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Winter sq'irkjuicePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Winter sq'irkSorceress's Garden Mini-game.---NoYes
Shadow swordReceived from General Khazard as a Mini-Quest reward.---NoYes
Clockwork bookGiven to you by Larry in Rellekka.---YesYes
Message (Safalaan)Use a Knife on a fireplace in a house in Meiyerditch.---YesYes
Gold satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Tea flaskMonster drop.---NoYes
Rune satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Black satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Green satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Abyssal headMonster Drop.---NoYes
Abyssal head (stuffed)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Blue eggBarbarian Assault activity.---NoYes
Green eggBarbarian Assault activity.---NoYes
Red eggBarbarian Assault mini-game.---NoYes
Combat lampReceived after completion of the Contact! quest. ---YesNo
Plain satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Red satchelMonster drop.---NoYes
Severed legReceived from General Khazard during The Shadow Sword mini-quest.---NoYes
Suqah hideMonster Drop.---YesYes
Suqah toothMonster drop; Traded from Skulgrimen (See Notes).---YesYes
Shortcut keyReward for the Darkness of Hallowvale quest.---YesYes
Pipe ringSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Builder's shirtGiving 'The Guns' a Beer bought in Yanille.---YesYes
Hard hatAnswering 'Black-eye's construction questions.---YesYes
Builder's trousersFound by searching the bushes around the Tower.---YesYes
Builder's bootsPickpocketing 'No fingers'.---YesYes
Binding fluidSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Coloured ballSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Metal barSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Metal sheetSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Pipe (Tower of Life)Searching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
RivetsSearching crates near the north-east side (first floor) of the tower during the Tower of Life quest.---YesYes
Valve wheelSearching crates on the first floor of the Tower of Life.---YesYes
Blank air runePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blank fire runePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blank water runePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blank earth runePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blank mind runePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Earth rune (Slug Menace)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Water rune (Slug Menace)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Air rune (Slug Menace)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Fire rune (Slug Menace)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Mind rune (Slug Menace)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Page 1Search Mayor Hobb's study desk in Witchaven.---YesYes
Page 2Given to you by Ezekial Lovecraft in Witchaven.---YesYes
Page 3Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Fragment 1Given to you by Col. O'Niall in Witchaven.---YesYes
Fragment 2Given to you by Col. O'Niall in Witchaven.---YesYes
Fragment 3Given to you by Col. O'Niall in Witchaven.---YesYes
DossierGiven to you by Sir Amik Varze after you accept to start the Black Knight's Fortress quest.---YesNo
Barrelchest anchor (broken)Monster drop.---NoYes
Bell jarMonster drop.---YesYes
Brain tongsMonster drop.---YesYes
Cranial clampMonster drop.---YesYes
Crate partReceived from Rufus.---YesYes
Prayer bookFound on a bookcase at the Edgeville Monastery; Received as a Quest Reward from Brother Tranquility.---YesYes
Shipping orderObtained from Rufus.---YesYes
Skull stapleMonster drop.---YesYes
Wolf whistleObtained from Rufus.---YesYes
Barrelchest anchorGreat Brain Robbery quest reward. ---YesYes
Fishing capePurchased from the Master fisher.---NoYes
Fishing hoodReceived from the Master fisher when buying a Fishing cape.---NoYes
Bat shishPickpocketing Cave goblins and bought from Gundik in Dorgesh-Kaan market for 10 coins.---NoYes
Coated frogs' legsPickpocketing Cave goblins and purchased from Tindar in the Dorgesh-Kaan market for 10 coins.---NoYes
FingersPickpocketing Cave goblins and purchased from Zenkog in the Dorgesh-Kaan market for 10 coins. ---NoYes
FrogburgerPickpocketing Cave goblins and purchased from Durgok in the Dorgesh-Kaan market for 10 coins. ---NoYes
Frogspawn gumboPickpocketing Cave goblins and purchased from Markog in the Dorgesh-Kaan market for 10 coins. ---NoYes
Green gloop soupPickpocketing Cave goblins and purchased from Turgok in the Dorgesh-Kaan market for 10 coins.---NoYes
Dorgesh-kaan sphereOldak, in Dorgesh-Kaan.---NoYes
Long boneMonster drop.---NoYes
Fishing cape (t)Purchased from the Master fisher.---NoYes
Perfect snail shellMonster drop.---NoYes
Lumberjack hatMonster drop.---NoYes
Lumberjack legsMonster drop.---NoYes