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Empty wine bottleAfter you drink a wine bottle bought from Fortunato in Draynor Village.---NoYes
Fighting bootsWhen searching the Craddle of Life, located at the last level of the Stronghold of Security. Choose the Fighting boots.---NoNo
Fancy bootsThe last chest in the Stronghold of Security.---NoNo
Left skull halfMonster drop. It is dropped by Ankous on the fourth level of the Stronghold of Security. ---NoNo
Right skull halfMonster drop. can be found by killing a Minotaur on the first level of the Stronghold of Security, the Vault of War. ---NoNo
Top of sceptreMonster drop. Catablepons on the third level of the Stronghold of Security.---NoNo
Bottom of sceptreMonster drop. It can be obtained from flesh crawlers in the second level of the Stronghold of Security.---NoNo
Strange skullObtained when using a Skull right half with a Skull left half.---NoNo
Runed sceptreMade by using a Bottom of sceptre with a Top of sceptre.---NoNo
Skull sceptrePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Little Book o' PiracyReward from the Cabin Fever quest.---YesYes
Pieces of EightMos Le'Harmless brewery mini-game. ---NoYes
BitternutIn the Trouble Brewing Mini-Game.0 gpNoYes
Blue flowersRed team base in the Trouble Brewing Mini-Game.---YesNo
Pipe sectionPlayer made using a (local) log on your team's workbench.---YesYes
Bridge sectionPlayer made using a (local) log on your team's workbench.---YesYes
SweetgrubBy using raw rat meet on a sweetgrub mound.0 gpNoYes
Lumber patchPlayer made using a (local) log on your team's workbench.---YesYes
Monkey (Trouble Brewing)Caught in the Trouble Brewing minigame area.---YesYes
Scrapey Tree BarkBy chopping a Scrapey tree and using a knife with the logs.0 gpNoYes
Bandana and eyepatch (brown)Talk to Patchy on Mos Le'Harmless0 gpNoYes
Lit bug lanternObtained by lighting an Unlit bug lantern, which can be bought from any Slayer master for 130 coins.---NoYes
Nuff's certificateNuff's certificate can be located by searching the shelves in Fairy Nuff's grotto during Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen ---YesYes
Empty boxGiven to you by Queen Sigrid, on the second floor of the castle on Etceteria, in return for a Heavy box.---YesYes
Magic essencePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Gorak claw powderPlayer made (See Notes Section). ---YesYes
TokkulDropped by TzHaar monsters.
Award from TzHaar Fight Cave and TzHaar Fight Pit.
Retrieved when you sell items at the TzHaar shops.
Gorak clawsMonster drop.---YesYes
Blessed potPlayer made (See Notes section).---YesYes
StarflowerPicked on the Cosmic Plane.---YesYes
Void knight topBought from Void Knights on the Void Knight Outpost.---NoYes
Void knight robeBought from Void Knights on the Void Knight Outpost.---NoYes
Void knight glovesBought from Void Knights on the Void Knight Outpost.---NoYes
Tricorn HatSold by Honest Jimmy for 500 Pieces of Eight.---NoYes
Navy slacksBought from Honest Jimmy for 1k Pieces of Eight.---NoYes
Navy shirtSold by Honest Jimmy for 1k Pieces of Eight.---NoYes
Witchwood iconBought from slayer masters.---NoYes
Crabclaw hookTake a pirate hook and Crab claw to Patchy on Mos Le'Harmless. He'll sew them together for 500gp.---NoYes
Blurite boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Bolt pouchTalk to Hirko in Keldagrim about ammo for crossbows.---NoYes
Lunar helmPlayer made during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar torsoPlayer made during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar legsPlayer made during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar bootsPlayer made during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar glovesPlayer made during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar capeGiven to you by Pauline Polaris during Lunar Diplomacy; Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar amuletGive to you by Meteora during Lunar Diplomacy, or purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar ringFound during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Lunar staffPlayer made during Lunar Diplomacy quest (See Notes); Purchased from the Oneiromancer after completing the quest. ---YesYes
Jade boltsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Blurite barPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Blurite bolts (unf)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Seal of passageReceived from Brundt the Chieftain.---YesYes
Crawling handMonster Drop.---NoYes
Crystal sawPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
SawdustSawmill operator in Prifddinas and Plank maker in Taverley.---YesNo
Basilisk headMonster Drop.---NoYes
Basilisk head (stuffed)Player Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Hat eyepatchThe Hat and eyepatch is acquired by taking both a Pirate hat and an eyepatch to Patchy on Mos Le'Harmless.0 gpNoYes
Newly made crystalGiven and made for you from Arianwyn in return for a black crystal during Mourning's Ends Part II (The Temple Of Light)---YesYes
Big shark (stuffed)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Moonclan helmSold by Rimae Sirsalis on Lunar Isle.---NoYes
Moonclan hatSold by Rimae Sirsalis on Lunar Isle.---NoYes
Moonclan armourSold by Rimae Sirsalis on Lunar Isle.---NoYes
Moonclan skirtSold by Rimae Sirsalis on Lunar Isle.---NoYes
Forlorn BootSouth of Thurgo's house, at Mudskipper point.---NoYes
Daeyalt oreMeiyerditch mine.---NoYes
Bobble hatDiango in Draynor Village---NoNo
Bobble scarfReward from completing the 2005 Christmas event. You can reclaim it from Diango in Draynor Village.---NoNo
Half baked bowlPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Unfinished worm bowlPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Half baked crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Unfinished toad crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).0 gpNoYes
Unfinished choc chip crunchyPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Half baked battaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes