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Necronium 2h greataxe + 3Player made (See Notes Section).384.7k gpNoYes
Bandos hiltMonster dropped.382.8k gpNoYes
Elder rune platebody + 1Player made (See Notes Section).381.8k gpNoYes
Dwarven stout (m4)Player made (See Notes Section).380.7k gpNoYes
Shimmering honeycombPlayer Made (See Notes).377.5k gpNoYes
Crystal daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).376.7k gpNoYes
Crystal chakramPlayer made (See Notes Section).375.8k gpNoYes
Black trimmed armour set (sk)Exchange Black platebody(t), Black full helmet (t), Black kiteshield (t), and Black plateskirt (t). to get this at the Grand Exchange.370.3k gpNoNo
Ocean's Archer Head tokenWon from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). 368.9k gpNoNo
Perfect juju fishing flask (6)Player made (See Notes).365.0k gpNoYes
Crystal wandPlayer made (See Notes Section).364.8k gpNoYes
Rock-shell armour setPlayer made (See notes section).364.1k gpNoYes
Octopus companion pet tokenPossible reward from completing the Summer Beach Party activities362.5k gpNoNo
Corrupted gemMonster drop.362.3k gpNoYes
Bane platebody + 2Player made (See Notes Section).359.6k gpNoYes
Elite black full helmIn a wardrobe in a room in the caverns beneath the Black Knight's Fortress. Can be easily obtained once as a monster drop from the Elite Black Knights.358.5k gpYesYes
Phantasmal poison frog (unchecked)Obtained from the Dream of Iaia.358.3k gpNoYes
Dragon battlestaffBought from Santiri in Keldagrim.357.9k gpNoYes
Crystal bowPlayer made (See Notes Section); Reward for completing Roving Elves (optional).357.6k gpYesYes
Crystal staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).356.5k gpNoYes
Crystal halberdPlayer made (See Notes Section).355.6k gpNoYes
Elder rune round shield + 2Player made (See Notes Section).351.9k gpNoYes
Crystal orbPlayer made (See Notes Section).351.7k gpNoYes
Powder of burialsPlayer Made (See Notes).349.8k gpNoYes
Gemstone hauberkMonster Drop.348.9k gpNoYes
Off-hand crystal daggerPlayer made (See Notes Section).346.5k gpNoYes
Green dragon egg (unchecked)Monster Drop.344.5k gpNoYes
Necronium battleaxe + 3Player made (See Notes Section).342.4k gpNoYes
Bane square shield + 2Player made (See Notes Section).341.7k gpNoYes
Orikalkum platebody + 3Player made (See Notes Section).341.5k gpNoYes
Dragon impling jarThe result of successfully catching a Dragon Impling.340.1k gpNoYes
Elder rune pickaxe + 2Player Made (See Notes).333.5k gpNoYes
Necronium pickaxe + 4Player Made (See Notes).333.2k gpNoYes
Snow parasolPossible reward from the Christmas piƱata loot bag (2018).331.9k gpNoNo
Primal main coursePlayer Made (See Notes).330.5k gpNoYes
Obsidian capeBought from TzHaar-Hur-Tel in the TzHaar City; Monster drop. 330.4k gpNoYes
Marble blockBought from the Stonemason in Keldagrim and Sawmill operator in Prifddinas.329.2k gpNoYes
Dharok's greataxe (broken)Player made (See Notes Section).327.6k gpNoYes
Necronium off hand battleaxe + 3Player made (See Notes Section).327.0k gpNoYes
Dragon kiteshieldObtained as a possible reward from the treasure chest after defeating the Queen Black Dragon.325.1k gpNoYes
Crystal deflectorPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.324.6k gpNoYes
Spirit attraction recipePlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Crystal shieldPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop.323.0k gpYesYes
Crystal wardPlayer made (See Notes Section); Roving Elves reward (partially degraded and optional); Bought from Islwyn after completion of Roving Elves; Monster drop.322.7k gpNoYes
Blue dragon egg (unchecked)Monster Drop.321.3k gpNoYes
Off-hand crystal chakramPlayer made (See Notes Section).320.7k gpNoYes
Elder rune longsword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).319.5k gpNoYes
Wand of treacheryPossible loot from a Wilderness Warbands tent.318.2k gpNoYes
Orange salamander (unchecked)Obtained from Dream of Iaia. 317.6k gpNoYes
Goebie backpack override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.317.2k gpNoNo
Bane full helm + 3Player made (See Notes Section).314.5k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (2 & 3)Player Made (see notes section).312.3k gpNoYes
Karasu orokami maskFrom looting a Stalking orokami or looting a Stalking orokami jar.312.2k gpNoYes
Godsword shards (1 & 2)Player Made (See Notes section).311.0k gpNoYes
Opulent tablePlayer made (See notes section).303.6k gpNoYes
Morrigan's coifMonster drop.303.3k gpNoYes
Adamant trimmed armour set (sk)Made at the Grand Exchange.303.1k gpNoNo
Worn-out adamant gauntletsPlayer made (See Notes Section).302.7k gpNoNo
Godsword shards (1 & 3)Player Made (See Notes section).302.0k gpNoYes
Fragments of Pernix's quiverChance to obtain when opening a T3 Elder trove: Bik, Ful, Jas, or Wen. 300.3k gpNoYes
Dragon clawMonster drop.300.1k gpNoYes
Necronium platebody + 2Player made (See Notes Section).300.1k gpNoYes
Necronium platelegs + 3Player made (See Notes Section).297.7k gpNoYes
Verac's flail (broken)Verac's flail degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.295.7k gpNoYes
Elite black platelegsIn a wardrobe in a room in the caverns beneath the Black Knight's Fortress. Can be easily obtained once as a monster drop from the Elite Black Knights.294.7k gpYesYes
Powder of protectionPlayer Made (See Notes).283.0k gpNoYes
Red dragon egg (unchecked)Monster drop.281.3k gpNoYes
Adamant trimmed armour set (l)The Grand Exchange.281.1k gpNoNo
Ocean's Archer Crossbow tokenWon from Treasure Hunter during the Ocean's Alliance - The Archer promotion (January 2018). 281.0k gpNoNo
Energy-gathering scrimshawPlayer made (See Notes).279.9k gpNoYes
Dragon sq shield ornament kit (or)Possible reward from a Reward casket (elite).278.0k gpNoYes
Tree-shaking scrimshawPlayer made (See Notes Section).277.1k gpNoYes
Raw asciatops meatMonster Drop.277.1k gpNoYes
Kingly impling jarThe result of successfully catching a Kingly Impling.276.3k gpNoYes
Ancient staffEblis, northwest of the Pyramid, and Monster drop.276.0k gpNoYes