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Super runecrafting (3)Player Made (See Notes).160.3k gpNoYes
Bandos helmetMonster drop; Player made (See Notes Section).159.9k gpNoYes
Bane 2h sword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).159.5k gpNoYes
Dragon chainbodyMonster drop; Gambling prize from the Barbarian Assault minigame.159.3k gpNoYes
Toktz-mej-tal Monster drop; Bought from TzHaar-Hur-Tel in the TzHaar City.158.5k gpNoYes
Splitbark armour setGrand Exchange Clerk at the Grand Exchange.157.6k gpNoNo
Elder wood boxPlayer Made (See Notes).157.1k gpNoYes
Elder rune platelegs + 1Player made (See Notes Section).156.6k gpNoYes
Corrupt dragon spearPlayers can receive this item either by trading with another player, or receiving it as a very rare drop from killing another player in PvP worlds or Bounty Worlds.156.0k gpNoNo
Aggression Flask (5)Player made (See notes)155.8k gpNoYes
Kodama orokami maskFrom looting a Bundling orokami or looting a Bundling orokami jar.155.6k gpNoYes
Necronium armoured boots + 3Player made (See Notes Section).155.5k gpNoYes
Ascension Keystone SecundusMonster drop.155.3k gpNoYes
Elder rune 2h swordPlayer made (See Notes Section).154.2k gpNoYes
Godsword shard 1Monster drop. 153.7k gpNoYes
Rune mace + 3Player made (See Notes Section).153.5k gpNoNo
Rune off hand battleaxe + 3Player made (See Notes Section).153.1k gpNoNo
Adamant 2h sword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).152.9k gpNoNo
Necronium 2h greataxe + 1Player made (See Notes Section).152.8k gpNoYes
Bane off hand longsword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).152.2k gpNoYes
Rune scimitar + 3Player made (See Notes Section).150.9k gpNoNo
Ruined dragon armour shardObtained as a reward from Idria for completing While Guthix Sleeps.149.5k gpNoYes
Beach armour override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.149.5k gpNoNo
Godsword shard 2Monster drop.149.2k gpNoYes
Rune off hand longsword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).148.1k gpNoNo
Godsword shard 3Monster drop.146.6k gpNoYes
Rune off hand sword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).146.5k gpNoNo
Oni orokami maskFrom looting a Fortunate orokami or looting a Fortunate orokami jar.145.9k gpNoYes
Worn-out black gauntletsPlayer made (See Notes Section).145.8k gpNoNo
Contact juggling resting tokenPossible reward while skilling at the Spring Fayre (April 2017 and March 2018) or bought with Runecoins in one of the Spring Fayre shops; Won from Treasure Hunter.145.6k gpNoNo
Pernix body shardMonster drop.145.1k gpNoYes
Demon slayer bootsPossible reward for defeating a Demon Raid.144.5k gpNoYes
Chocolate cow (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.144.2k gpNoYes
Rune off hand mace + 3Player made (See Notes Section).144.1k gpNoNo
Crystal tool seedMonster drop; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers; Looted from Crystal implings.142.3k gpNoYes
Raw oculi apoterrasaur meatMonster Drop.142.3k gpNoYes
Necronium 2h greataxe + 2Player made (See Notes Section).142.2k gpNoYes
Nue orokami maskFrom looting an Ancestral orokami or looting an Ancestral orokami jar141.8k gpNoYes
Focus sightMonster drop.140.7k gpNoYes
Rune platelegs (Zamorak)Possible reward from Reward casket (hard).138.8k gpNoNo
Elder rune platebodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).137.9k gpNoYes
Gold leafBought from the Stonemason in Keldagrim and Sawmill operator in Prifddinas.137.8k gpNoYes
Raw malletops meatMonster Drop.137.1k gpNoYes
Sandy 2h sword override tokenRandomly obtained while participating in any of the activities at the Summer Beach Party event, including defeating Clawdia; Purchased from Sheldon.136.2k gpNoNo
Bane square shield + 3Player made (See Notes Section).136.0k gpNoYes
Snow cape tokenPossible reward from the Christmas piƱata loot bag (2018).135.5k gpNoYes
Orikalkum full helm + 3Player made (See Notes Section).135.2k gpNoYes
Rune longsword + 3Player made (See Notes Section).134.8k gpNoNo
Rune off hand dagger + 3Player made (See Notes Section).134.8k gpNoNo
Rune warhammer + 3Player made (See Notes Section).134.7k gpNoNo
Miraculous treatmentPlayer made (see notes); Can be bought on G.E.134.1k gpNoYes
Bane off hand longsword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).133.9k gpNoYes
Akateko orokami maskFrom looting a Foraging orokami or looting a Foraging orokami jar133.6k gpNoYes
Mystic steam staffPlayer Made (See Notes).133.4k gpNoYes
Powder of item protectionPlayer Made (See Notes).133.4k gpNoYes
Bandos warshieldMonster drop.133.1k gpNoYes
Demon slayer circletPossible reward for defeating a Demon Raid.132.9k gpNoYes
Perfect juju smithing flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).132.9k gpNoYes
Rune platebody + 2Player made (See Notes Section).132.1k gpNoNo
Dharok's helm (broken)Player made (See Notes Section).131.6k gpNoYes
Ice spider egg (unchecked)Chance to obtain from Adam Antite or Callia.131.1k gpNoYes
Orikalkum kiteshield + 3Player made (See Notes Section).130.1k gpNoYes
Torva platelegs shardMonster drop.130.0k gpNoYes
Ikuchi orokami maskFrom looting a Oily orokami or looting a Oily orokami jar.129.2k gpNoYes
Necronium ore boxPlayer Made (See Notes Section).129.2k gpNoYes
Toktz-ket-xilMonster drop; Bought from TzHaar-Hur-Tel in the TzHaar City.127.8k gpNoYes
Gilded clockPlayer made or treasure trail reward.126.6k gpYesYes
Binding contract (ripper demon)Player Made (See Notes).126.1k gpNoYes
Aggression flask (4)Player made (See notes)125.7k gpNoYes
Necronium kiteshield + 3Player made (See Notes Section).124.8k gpNoYes
Gilded dresserPlayer made (See Notes Section) or Treasure Trail reward (Level 3 Clue scroll).124.5k gpYesYes
Juju mining flask (6)Player made (See Notes).---NoYes
Torag's hammer (broken)Torag's hammers degrade to these after 15 hours of combat.123.9k gpNoYes
Woodcutting accumulatorThis can be created at your Invention workbench.123.6k gpNoYes
Rune platebody (Zamorak)Possible reward from Reward casket (hard).123.4k gpNoNo