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Kauai parasol tokenSummer Beach Party Event, Player bought81.8k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon chainbodyMonster drop.81.4k gpNoNo
Bane pickaxe + 1Player Made (See Notes).81.0k gpNoYes
Adamant mace + 2Player made (See Notes Section).80.6k gpNoNo
Bane 2h sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).80.4k gpNoYes
Orikalkum platelegs + 2Player made (See Notes Section).80.2k gpNoYes
Adamant 2h sword + 1Player made (See Notes Section).80.1k gpNoNo
Torva boots shardMonster drop.80.0k gpNoYes
Binding contract (gargoyle)Player Made (See Notes).79.9k gpNoYes
Adamant off hand battleaxe + 2Player made (See Notes Section).79.5k gpNoNo
Juju mining potion (4)A juju potion is a reward from the Herblore Habitat. Player Made (See Notes).79.4k gpNoYes
Saradomin hilt shardMonster drop.79.2k gpNoYes
Adamant kiteshield + 2Player made (See Notes Section).77.9k gpNoNo
Elder rune pickaxePlayer Made (See Notes).77.4k gpNoYes
Rune dagger + 2Player made (See Notes Section).77.4k gpNoNo
Aggression flask (3)Player made (See notes)77.2k gpNoYes
Archaeology teleportPurchased from Ezreal.76.4k gpNoYes
Acadia framePlayer Made (See Notes).76.3k gpNoYes
Corrupt dragon longswordYou can get this item as a reward for defeating a player in a PvP or Bounty Hunter world.75.9k gpNoNo
Rune warhammer + 2Player made (See Notes Section).75.1k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon sq shieldRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.74.5k gpNoNo
Magic framePlayer Made (See Notes).73.7k gpNoYes
Perfect juju mining potion (3)Player Made (See Notes).73.4k gpNoYes
Corrupt dragon scimitarNone.73.2k gpNoNo
Rune off hand claws + 2Player made (See Notes Section).73.1k gpNoNo
CleaverBought from the Culinaromancer's Chest.73.0k gpNoYes
Medium bladed orikalkum salvageMonster Drop; Possible reward from: Bik T3, Ful T3, Jas T3, and Wen T3 Elder troves; Possible reward from the Raptor's chest of slaying. 73.0k gpNoYes
Pyramid hat head tokenSummer Beach Party Event; Purchased from Sheldon.72.9k gpNoNo
Rune off hand longsword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).72.8k gpNoNo
Medium blunt orikalkum salvageMonster Drop.72.8k gpNoYes
Corrupt dragon battleaxePossible player drop on a PVP world.72.6k gpNoNo
Corrupt dragon helmRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.72.6k gpNoNo
Ancient ceremonial topMonster Drop.72.6k gpNoYes
Off-hand dragon scimitarBought from Daga on Ape Atoll and Dealga in Varrock.72.3k gpNoYes
Medium plated orikalkum salvageMonster Drop.72.2k gpNoNo
Corrupt statius's platelegsMonster drop.71.7k gpNoYes
Rune off hand sword + 2Player made (See Notes Section).71.5k gpNoNo
Corrupt statius's platebodyMonster drop.71.4k gpNoNo
Rune off hand dagger + 2Player made (See Notes Section).71.4k gpNoNo
Rune berserker shield 0None.71.1k gpNoNo
Corrupt vesta's plateskirtMonster drop.71.1k gpNoYes
Weapon poison++ flask (6)Player made (See Notes Section).71.0k gpNoYes
Corrupt vesta's chainbodyMonster drop.70.8k gpNoYes
Corrupt dragon plateskirtRandom drop from killing players in a PvP world.70.6k gpNoNo
Rune platelegs + 2Player made (See Notes Section).70.6k gpNoNo
Chaos bodyPlayer made (See Notes Section).70.5k gpNoYes
Perfect juju herblore potion (4)Player made (See Notes Section).70.5k gpNoYes
Shield left half (dragon square)Monster drop.70.0k gpYesYes
Rune off hand mace + 2Player made (See Notes Section).70.0k gpNoNo
Rune spikeshield 0Player made (See Notes Section).69.8k gpNoNo
Corrupt morrigan's leather chapsMonster drop.69.7k gpNoYes
Corrupt morrigan's leather bodyMonster drop.69.6k gpNoYes
Rune square shield + 2Player made (See Notes Section).69.6k gpNoNo
Crystal weapon seedMonster drop; Looted from a Crystal impling; Pickpocketed from Ithell workers in Prifddinas;69.4k gpYesYes
Greenman's ale (m2)Player made (See Notes Section).69.4k gpNoYes
Akrisae's hood (broken)Akrisae's hood degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.69.3k gpNoYes
Mimic kill tokenMonster drop; Skilling; Prize from loot crates (Huge, Large, Medium, Small).69.2k gpNoYes
Dagon'hai robe topIn a wardrobe closet located inside the caverns beneath the Black Knight's Fortress during the While Guthix Sleeps quest.69.1k gpYesYes
Verac's helm (broken)Verac's helm degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.68.9k gpNoYes
Adamant platebody + 2Player made (See Notes Section).68.8k gpNoNo
Adamant off hand dagger + 2Player made (See Notes Section).68.4k gpNoNo
Abyssal whipMonster drop.68.1k gpNoYes
Super warmaster's potion (6)Player made (See Notes Section).68.1k gpNoYes
Torag's helm (broken)Torag's helm degrades to this after 15 hours of combat.68.0k gpNoYes
Elder rune gauntlets + 1Player made (See Notes Section).67.9k gpNoYes
Rune off hand warhammer + 2Player made (See Notes Section).67.5k gpNoNo
Refined Elder planksPlayer Made (See Notes).67.2k gpNoYes
Guthix's gift (3)Player made (See Notes Section).66.8k gpNoYes
Reborn phoenix pouch(See notes section).66.7k gpNoYes
Rune ore boxPlayer Made (See Notes Section).66.7k gpNoNo
SeercullMonster drop.66.6k gpNoYes
Shaikahan bonesDropped by Karamja jungle monster (Shaikahan).65.8k gpNoYes
Rune med helm + 3Player made (See Notes Section).65.6k gpNoNo
Yew framePlayer Made (See Notes).65.0k gpNoYes
Perfect juju prayer potion (3)Player made (See Notes Section).64.9k gpNoYes