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White candle (lit)Player made (See Notes Section); Respawn on the first floor of the Yanille Watchtower, second floor of Varrock's weapon shop, and the Monastery south of East Ardougne.---NoYes
Crushed gemPlayer made (see notes).0 gpNoYes
Daconia rockSearch the roots in the Tree Gnome Stronghold dungeon.---YesYes
Damaged armourRandom result of Trawler fishing, Digsite digging, opening orge coffins, searching crates/boxes/sacks, or pickpocketing from H.A.M members.---NoYes
Damp clothGiven to you by Koftik in the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
Damp sticksFishing Platform (north-east side).---YesYes
David's printPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Silver bookSearch the barrel in David's room.---YesYes
Diary (Witch's House)Found upstairs in the Witch's house. ---YesYes
DistillatorArdougne (West), Mourners' house in northeast corner in a crate.---YesYes
Doctors' gownIn a cupboard in Nurse Sarah's house in Ardougne (West).---YesYes
Doogle leavesSee Notes for spawn locations.---YesNo
Door key (Witch's House)Under potted plant next to the Witch's house's front door in Taverley.---YesYes
Dramen branchOn the Dramen trees in Entrana dungeon.---YesYes
Dramen staffPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dry sticksFishing Platform.---YesYes
Dusty keyBought from Siegfried Erkle in the Legends' Guild. Obtained from Velrak the explorer.---NoYes
Dwarf brewPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dwarf remainsThird floor or the watchtower south of the fenced Coal Trucks mining area.---YesYes
Elizabeth's printPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Silver needleSearch the barrel in Elizabeth's room.---YesYes
Enchanted bear meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Enchanted beefPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Enchanted chickenPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Enchanted rat meatPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Enchanted vialPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
EthaneaGiven to you by Elena in Ardougne (West). ---YesYes
ExcaliburLady of the Lake in Taverley.---YesYes
Chemical compoundPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Family crestPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Fire featherMonster drop.---YesYes
FingernailsSearching bushes outside of Watchtower, north Yanille. In the Skavid caves below Gu'Tanoth.---YesYes
Fish food (blue box)Upstairs in Draynor Manor, or player made(see notes).0 gpNoNo
Fishing passGiven to you by Austri and Vestri.---YesYes
FlierMonster drop.
Randomly given to you by Men when you talk to them.
Given as a bogus gift from a Random event Surprise box.
FlypaperInside two sacks in the garden shed west of Sinclair Mansion.---YesYes
Frank's printPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Silver pot (Murder Mystery)Search the barrel in Frank's room.---YesYes
Gas maskGiven to you by Alrena in East Ardougne in return for Dwellberries during Plague City; Respawns in the cupboard in Edmond's house in East Ardougne after Plague City; Monster drop.---YesYes
Chaos gauntletsReward from Family Crest Quest, Family gauntlets can be enchanted into Chaos Gauntlets. Speak to Johnathon at the Jolly Boar Inn, northeast of Varrock, whilst having the Family gauntlets in your inventory.---YesYes
Family gauntletsReward from the Family Crest quest.---YesYes
Cooking gauntletsReward from Family Crest Quest, Family gauntlets can be enchanted into Cooking Gauntlets. Speak to Caleb in Varrock, whilst having the Family gauntlets in your inventory. ---YesYes
Smelting gauntletsObtained from the Well-dressed nobleman, in Al Kharid, whilst having the Family gauntlets in your inventory. ---YesYes
Gianne's cook bookObtained from Gianne, Hudo's store (Grand Tree Groceries), or by killing Gnome guards.0 gpNoYes
Giant carpPlayer cooked.---YesYes
Gilded totemGiven to you by Gujuo, after placing the Yommi totem in the Kharazi Jungle. ---YesYes
Glarial's amuletFound inside the chest at the west end of Glarial's Tomb.---YesYes
Glarial's pebbleReceived from Golrie after freeing him.---YesYes
Glarial's urnSearch Glarial's coffin in Glarial's tomb.---YesYes
Glough's journalFound by searching the cupboard in Glough's house.---YesYes
Glough's keyReceived from Anita.---YesYes
Invasion plansSearch the chest in Glough's house in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.---YesYes
Gnome amuletReceived from King Bolren.---YesYes
GnomeballTree Gnome Stronghold, speak to the Gnome ball referee.0 gpNoYes
Batta tinPurchased from Hudo; Found in the Kitchen cabinet in Hudo's kitchen; Stolen from Gnomes; Monster Drop.0 gpNoYes
Cocktail guidePurchased from Heckel Funch and from Rasolo; Receive a free copy from Blurberry; Monster Drop.0 gpNoYes
TwigsGiven to you by King Narnode Shareen, at the Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.---YesYes
Crunchy trayPurchased from Hudo; Found in the Kitchen cabinet in Hudo's kitchen; Monster Drop.0 gpNoYes
Raw battaPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
Gnomebowl mouldPurchased from Hudo; Found in the Kitchen cabinet in Hudo's kitchen; Monster Drop.0 gpNoYes
Raw gnomebowlPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoYes
NuggetsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Gold bowlPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Golden bowl (of plain water)Respawns by making a new bowl and fill with pool water. Smithing and filling with water from the pool.---NoYes
Golden bowl (of pure water)Created by using a Blessed gold bowl with the pool of water in the Kharazi Jungle.---NoYes
Ground charcoalPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Bravery potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Guthix capeObtained from defeating Kolodion in the Mage Arena. ---NoYes
ScytheDropped on 31st October and November 2nd 2003.---NoNo
Hangover curePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Fishing trophyReward for winning Fishing Contest.---YesYes
Holy forceGiven to you by Ungadulu, in the dungeon below the Kharazi Jungle, in exchange for the Dark dagger.---YesYes
Holy grailFound on the top floor of the Fisher King's Castle during Holy Grail; Reclaimed from Keep Le Faye during King's Ransom.---YesYes
Holy table napkinReceived from Galahad.---YesYes
Holy water (vial)Player made (See Notes below).---NoYes