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Dried thistlePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Ground thistlePlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Golden feather (Priest in Peril)Within the dungeon beneath the Temple of Paterdomus.---YesNo
Golden keyMonster Drop.---YesNo
Golden hammerWithin the dungeon beneath the Temple of Paterdomus.---YesNo
Golden needleWithin the dungeon beneath the Temple of Paterdomus.---YesNo
Golden potWithin the dungeon beneath the Temple of Paterdomus.---YesNo
Golden tinderboxWithin the dungeon beneath the Temple of Paterdomus.---YesNo
Crystal pendantReceived from Lord Iorwerth.---YesYes
Damaged book (Guthix)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Saradomin)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Damaged book (Zamorak)Bought from Jossik in the Rellekka Lighthouse.---YesYes
Diary (Horror from the Deep)Found in the bookcase on the second floor of the Lighthouse.---YesYes
Journal (Horror from the Deep)Found in the bookcase on the second floor of the Lighthouse.---YesYes
Lighthouse keyReceived from Gunnjorn.---YesYes
Manual (Lighthouse)Found in a bookcase on the second floor of the Lighthouse.---YesYes
Rusty casketReward from Horror From The Deep quest.---YesYes
A small keySearch the barrels in the boarded up building on the south side of West Ardougne where Elena is detained.---YesYes
Monkey skinGiven to you by Tamayu, at the Nature Altar mine, in exchange for a Monkey corpse.---YesYes
Seaweed sandwichPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Karamjan rum (Banana)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Key (Witch's House)Checking the fountain in Witch's garden in Taverley.---YesYes
Pirate messageLocked chest in Varrock's Blue Moon Inn.0 gpYesNo
Key (Biohazard)Kill a Mourner in the northeast building of plague city area.---YesYes
Mime bootsCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 500 coins.---NoNo
Awful anthemGiven to you by Prince Brand at the castle on Miscellania.---YesYes
Ghrim's bookReceived from Advisor Ghrim.---NoYes
Giant nibGiven to you by Derrik, near the anvil on Miscellania, in exchange for an Iron bar.---YesYes
Giant penPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Good anthemGiven to you by Advisor Ghrim, at the castle on Miscellania, in exchange for an Awful anthem.---YesYes
Iron sickleBought from Gardener Gunnhild on Miscellania.---NoYes
TreatyGiven to you by Queen Sigrid, at the castle on Etceteria, in exchange for a Good anthem.---YesYes
Paladin's badgeObtained by killing the 3 paladins in the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
A key (Waterfall Quest)Search crates in the eastern sections of the Tree Gnome Village Maze dungeon and on the floor in the western section of the Waterfall Dungeon.---YesYes
Zamorak bannerCastle Wars area south of Observatory or player made.
On the top floor of the Zamorak Castle whenever the other team (Saradomin) scores.
Can also be made in a house workshop, 70 prayer is required.
Castle wars manualLanthas at the Castle Wars arena south of the Observatory.0 gpNoYes
Castle wars ticket (silver)You awarded one ticket if you win, draw or lose.---NoYes
BandagesOn a table in the supply area of the Castle Wars and Soul Wars mini-games. Given to you upon entering the Fist of Guthix arena.0 gpNoNo
Barricade (Castle Wars)Castle Wars, one of the tables on the Ground floor.---NoYes
Explosive potion (Castle Wars)On a table in the supply area of the Castle Wars.---NoYes
Basic decorative helmPurchased from Lanthus.---NoYes
Basic decorative platebodyCastle Wars area, south of Observatory.---NoYes
Basic decorative platelegsCastle Wars area, south of Observatory.---NoYes
Basic decorative shieldCastle Wars area, south of Observatory.---NoYes
Basic decorative swordCastle Wars area, south of Observatory.---NoYes
ToolboxDepending on the storyline, it may be confiscated during the interrogation with Captain Marlin.0 gpNoYes
Saradomin bannerCastle Wars area south of Observatory or player made.---NoYes
Hooded cloak (Saradomin)Castle Wars area south of Observatory.---NoYes
Hooded cloak (Zamorak)Castle Wars area south of Observatory. Players are given their teams' cloak when they enter any of the three God portals: Zamorak, Saradomin and Guthix.---NoYes
10th squad sigilReceived from Garkor.---YesYes
Banana stewSolihib's food stall in Ape Atoll. 0 gpNoYes
Enchanted barThe result of having Zooknock enchant a Gold bar during the Monkey Madness quest.rn---YesYes
Eye of gnomeTutab's Magical Market in Ape Atoll or by searching the northeast crate in the building East of Tutab.---NoYes
Gnome royal sealKing Narnode Shareen.---YesYes
Monkeyspeak amulet mouldIn order to get the mould you need to go to the same building, next to the magic stall, where the Monkey dentures are located in through the back entrance. You must stay in the dark area. Then, search the southeastern most crate to uncover a hidden entrance into a basement.---NoYes
M'speak amulet (unstrung)The amulet is made during the quest Monkey Madness by giving Monkey dentures, a Monkeyspeak amulet mould and a Gold bar to Zooknock, which creates an Enchanted bar. The bar is then brought to the dungeon below the temple and is used on a magical flame along with the Monkeyspeak amulet mould to create the M'speak amulet. It is then used with a Ball of wool.
If lost you will have to complete all steps to remake it.
Monkeyspeak amuletPlayer made (See Notes).---YesYes
MonkeyArdougne Zoo.---YesYes
Monkey barBought from Solihib on Ape Atoll.---NoYes
Monkey bones (large)Dropped by a Monkey guard (level 167).---NoYes
Small monkey zombie bonesMonster Drop (Ape Atoll).---NoYes
Monkey denturesDuring the Monkey Madness quest, Tutab's Magical Market in Ape Atoll, or by searching crates in the building East of Tutab.---NoYes
Monkey nutsBought from Solihib on Ape Atoll for 3 gp.---NoYes
Monkey talismanBought from Tutab or obtained from the Monkey Child. ---YesYes
Ogre bowGiven to you by Rantz during the Big Chompy Bird Hunting.---YesYes
Level 1 certificateGiven to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 1 exam.---YesYes
Level 2 certificateGiven to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 2 exam.---YesYes
Level 3 certificateGiven to you by one of Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, upon completing the level 2 exam.---YesYes
Flamtaer hammerBought from Razmire Keelgan's General Store in Mort'ton and Rasolo west of the Fishing Guild; Looted from a Silver key chest in the Mort'ton catacombs.0 gpNoYes
Broken armourRandom result of Trawler fishing, Digsite digging, or searching crates/boxes/sacks.---NoYes
Vase (Digsite)Digging, using a Trowel, at the Digsite east of Varrock.---NoYes
Invitation letterGiven to you by the Terry Balando at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, in exchange for an Ancient talisman.---YesYes
Washing bowlMort Myre Swamp, outside the Grotto.---YesYes
Robe top (Canifis)Canifis clothes shop (Barker's Haberdashery)0 gpNoYes
KarambwanjiPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes