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Yommi totemPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Touch paperGiven to you by the Chemist just west of Rimmington.---NoYes
Guide bookFound on a table in the Estate Agent's house in East Ardougne.---YesYes
Translation bookGiven to you by King Narnode Shareen.---YesYes
TotemIn a chest in Handelmort's Mansion in East Ardougne.---YesYes
Unholy mould (symbol Zamorak)Obtained from Spirit of Scorpius after completing the Observatory Quest.---YesYes
Unknown printMade by using Flypaper with the with flour coated Criminal's dagger.---YesYes
Unidentified liquidUse a Vial on a barrel at the panning area of the Digsite, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Chemical powderInside a chest at the panning area of the Digsite, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Unstamped letterGiven to you by one of the Examiners at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock.---YesYes
Clean volencia mossObtained by cleaning Grimy volencia moss.---YesYes
WarrantGiven by Bravek after you've given him a hangover cure.---YesYes
WigNed will make it if given three balls of wool. Yellow dye is used on a grey wig to turn it blonde.This can be bought off Aggie for two onions and 5 coins.---NoNo
Wrought iron keyReward from the The Tourist Trap quest.---YesYes
Yellow keyDropped by Skeleton in Melzar's Maze.---NoNo
Yommi tree seeds3 seeds are given to you by Ungadulu, at the caverns below the Kharazi Jungle. ---YesYes
Zadimus corpseSearch the ancient gallows in the Ancient Temple dungeon.---YesYes
Zamorak capeObtained from defeating Kolodion in the Mage Arena.---NoYes
Toy horsey (grey)Player made (See Notes Section); Bought from Diango in Draynor Village.0 gpNoNo
Blue goblin mailPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Blurite swordPlayer made (See Notes).---YesNo
Burnt bassPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Burnt chickenPlayer made (see notes section).---NoNo
Burnt tunaPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Cabbage (Draynor)Garden on west side of Draynor Manor. 0 gpNoNo
Green keyMelzar's Maze, north of Rimmington.---NoNo
LampGiven by Genie random event.---NoNo
Plague jacketBought with the Plague trousers from Doctor Orbon for 100 coins.---YesYes
Plague trousersBought with the Plague jacket from Doctor Orbon for 100 coins.---YesYes
Slave shirtGiven to you by the Male slave at the Desert Mining Camp.---YesYes
Slave bootsGiven to you by the Male slave at the Desert Mining Camp.---YesYes
Burnt shrimpPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Burnt sardinePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoNo
Burnt herringPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Burnt anchoviesPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Burnt mackerelPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Burnt troutPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Burnt codPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoYes
Burnt pikePlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
Burnt salmonPlayer made (See Notes Section).0 gpNoNo
SextantCan be obtained from Murphy after talking to the Observatory professor.---NoYes
WatchTalk to the Monk in the Clock Tower. This item can also be made in a player owned house using a Crafting table (4).---NoYes
Clue scrollReceived when opening a Sealed clue scroll: Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite, Master.---NoYes
Crandor mapPlayer made.---YesNo
Puzzle boxGiven to you by various NPCs while doing a Treasure Trail.---NoYes
Wig (blonde)Made by Ned in Draynor Village.---NoNo
Map part (Lozar)Bought from Wormbrain for 10,000gp, or obtained from his cell after killing him by casting Telekenetic grab.---YesNo
Map part (Melzar)Found inside the chest behind the Magenta door in Melzar's Maze.---YesNo
Map part (Thalzar)Found inside a chest in a secret room in the Dwarven Mines---YesNo
Elemental oreMonster drop.---YesYes
Research packagePackage given to you by the Wizard Sedridor.---YesNo
NotesGiven to you by the rune trader, Aubury, after delivering the Research package.---YesNo
Battered keyPlayer made (See Notes Secton).---YesYes
Battered bookSearch a bookcase in the house directly South of the anvils in Seers' Village.---YesYes
A stone bowlInside of boxes in the Elemental Dungeon.---YesYes
Unfermented winePlayer made.---NoNo
Ogre bellowsFound in a chest in a cave in the North-Eastern part of the Feldip Hills.---YesYes
WolfbaneQuest Reward.---NoNo
MirrorRespawns at Mort Myre Swamp, under the Washing bowl outside the Grotto.---YesYes
Druid pouchFound inside The Nature Spirit's Grotto.---YesYes
Agility arena ticketObtained by tagging numerous areas of the arena in a row.---NoYes
Strange boxGiven to you by the Mysterious Old Man.---NoNo
IOUGiven to you by Harold at the Toad & Chicken Inn.---YesYes
CombinationObtained by reading the IOU.---YesYes
Stone ball (Blue)Burthorpe Castle.0 gpYesYes
Stone ball (Green)Burthorpe Castle.---YesYes
Stone ball (Purple)Burthorpe Castle.---YesYes
Stone ball (Red)Burthorpe Castle.---YesYes
Stone ball (Yellow)Burthorpe Castle.---YesYes
CertificateGive to you by Denulth.---YesYes
Spiked bootsGiven to you by Dunstan, in Burthorpe, in exchange for a pair of Climbing boots and an Iron bar.---YesNo
Shade robe (top)Monster drop.---NoNo
Shade robe (bottom)Monster drop.---NoNo
Key (treasure trail)Monster drop. (Usually a clue tells you to go kill a guard or a chicken).0 gpNoYes