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Crystal (Purple)Given to you by the Mad skavid in the Skavid caves below Gu'Tanoth.---YesYes
Relic part 2Given to you by Grew at the Ogre island, west of Yanille, in exchange for the Ogre tooth.---YesYes
Relic part 3Given to you by Toban on the small island south of Yanille.---YesYes
Crystal (Yellow)Given to you by Og at the Ogre settlement or Grew at the Ogre island, west of Yanille.---YesYes
Pressure gaugeThis item is found submerged in the waters of the piranha-infested fountain in the south-western area of Draynor manor. To get this item, the player must kill the piranha using poisoned fish food made from the poison (found in the witch's larder in the main floor) and the fish food (found in the 1st floor among the Ghosts). 0 gpNoNo
Prototype dart tipPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Prototype dartPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Radimus notesGiven to you by Radimus Erkle, at the Legends Guild.---YesYes
RailingGiven by Captain Lawgof.---YesYes
Piece of railingSearch the cage containing a Unicorn in the Underground Pass dungeon.---YesYes
Rashiliya corpseTaken from the dolmen in Rashiliyia's tomb after you have defeated Nazastarool in its 3 forms.---YesYes
Rat poisonRespawns at the clock Tower dungeon, northwestern corridor.
Given to you by Hooknosed Jack in Varrock.
Rat's tailDropped by all rats, except Giant rats.---YesNo
Raw giant carpPlayer caught during the Fishing Contest quest.---YesYes
Raw lava eelLava eel fishing spots can be found in Taverley Dungeon and the Lava Maze in the Wilderness.---YesYes
Red key (Melzar's Maze)Dropped by Zombie rat in Melzar's Maze.---NoNo
Red vine wormMcGrubor's Wood, in western fenced-in area.---YesYes
Hollow reedPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Rock cakeRock Cake stall in Gu'Tanoth (ogre city southwest of Yanille).---NoYes
Rock pickSearch a cupboard at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock. On the tool rack on the southern wall of the Varrock Museum.---NoYes
Cracked sampleSearching a chest at the Exam Centre, searching the specimen tray at the Digsite, and digging at the Digsite.---NoYes
RockRespawns in the Underground Pass dungeon. Can be found by digging at the Digsite and a monster drop. The tool leprechaun larry near my arm's herb patch, on the roof of the troll stronghold, also carries these in stock of his farming store.---NoYes
Clean rogue's purseObtained by cleaning Grimy rogue's purse.---YesYes
Rotten appleWest Ardougne and West of Combat camp/south of Tree Gnome Stronghold.---YesYes
SketchGiven to you by Gujuo in the Kharazi Jungle.---YesYes
Rubber tubeRespawns in Draynor Manor. Open the closet door again and grab off the floor.---YesNo
Rusty swordYou can get it from any chest, box, or crate randomly, pening ogre coffins, found at digsite, and it can be pickpocketed from H.A.M members.---NoYes
Saradomin capeReward for completing the Mage Arena and praying at the statue of Saradomin. ---NoYes
Scratched noteRespawns inside the Crate in Ungadulu's cave.

The Scrawled note is an item obtained while searching the crate in Ungadulu's cave during Legends Quest.
0 gpNoYes
Scorpion cageGiven to you by Thormac.---YesYes
Scrawled notesObtained while searching the crate in Ungadulu's cave.0 gpNoYes
Scribbled notesA scribbled note can be found while performing a search in the table in Ungadulu's cave during Legends Quest.0 gpNoYes
ScrollKill Jonny the Beard in Varrock's Blue Moon Inn0 gpYesNo
A scruffy noteObtain from Bravek during the Plague City quest.---YesYes
Scrumpled piece of paperFound in random event when talking to shantay. 0 gpNoYes
Sea slugRespawn at the Varrock Museum has some sea slugs on display in its Natural History department, which is in the basement. The Apothecary in southern Varrock also seems to have a sea slug pickled in a jar.

Fishing platform.
0 gpNoYes
Doogle sardinePlayer made (See Notes).---YesNo
Shaman robeRespawns on the ground in the southeastern corner of the Ogre Enclave.---YesYes
Shamans tomeFound by searching the desk inside the octagonal star within the Kharazi Dungeon.---YesYes
Shantay passThis item no longer can be found in game.---NoYes
Shiny keyIn the Temple of Ikov dungeon, past the Lesser Demons.---YesYes
Ship ticketSereval in Shilo Village.0 gpNoYes
SilverlightPicked up in the catacombs below the church of Varrock, after having passed 3 tests.---YesNo
Silverlight key (Sir Prysin)In Varrock sewers during the Demon Slayer quest.---YesNo
Silverlight key (Captain Rovin)Captain Rovin, during the Demon Slayer quest.---YesNo
Silverlight key (Wizard Traiborn)Wizard Traiborn, during the Demon Slayer quest.---YesNo
Clean sito foilObtained by cleaning Grimy sito foil.0 gpYesYes
Skavid mapGiven to you by city guards in Gu'Tanoth after solving a riddle.---YesYes
Muddy skullIt is found in the Lumbridge Swamp training mining site, south of the graveyard in Lumbridge by searching the large rock near the ore.---YesNo
Slave robeGiven to you by the Male slave at the Desert Mining Camp.---YesYes
Sleeping bagRSC General Store.0 gpNoNo
Clean snake weedObtained by cleaning Grimy snake weed.---YesYes
Snakeweed mixturePlayer made.---NoYes
Specimen brushPickpocketed from Digsite workmen at the Digsite, east of Varrock, during The Dig Site quest. Given to you by Tegdak, in Dorgesh-Kaan, during the Another Slice of H.A.M. quest. On the tool rack on the southern wall of the Varrock Museum.---YesYes
Specimen jarSearch a cupboard at the Exam Centre, southeast of Varrock, or sacks at the Digsite.---YesYes
Spell scrollGive to you by the Watchtower Wizard upon completing the Watchtower quest.---YesYes
Spinach rollTaverley Dragonstone chest, Monster drop, Random Events, bought from Rasolo, and bought from Beefy Bill.---NoNo
Staff of armadylFound in the small room in the Temple of Ikov. ---NoYes
Guthix staffBought from the Chamber Guardian at the Mage Arena in the Wilderness.---NoYes
Saradomin staffBought from the Chamber Guardian at the Mage Arena in the Wilderness.---NoYes
Zamorak staffBought from the Chamber Guardian at the Mage Arena in the Wilderness.---NoYes
StakeDr Harlow at the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock.---YesNo
Sealed letterGiven to you by Curator Haig Halen at the museum in the eastern part of Varrock.---YesYes
Toban's goldInside Toban's chest on the small island south of Yanille.---YesYes
Stone tablet (Digsite)Down the western shaft at the Digste, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Sulphuric brolineGiven to you by Elena in West Ardougne.---YesYes
Sword pommelSearch the tomb dolmen in Bervirius's tomb on Cairn Isle.---YesYes
Ancient talismanDigging at the Digsite, east of Varrock.---YesYes
Criminals' threadInvestigate the smashed window of the Sinclair Mansion.---YesYes
Tattered scrollSearch the loose rocks in the Ancient Temple dungeon.---YesYes
Technical plansChest on second floor of the building inside the Desert Mining Camp.---YesYes
Tenti pineappleGiven to you by Al Shabim at the Bedabin Camp. ---YesYes
TileSpawns in level 17 wilderness southwest of Clan Wars and level 21 wilderness in the Ruins. 0 gpNoNo
Tiny keyThe key can be pickpocketed from the curator within the museum.---NoYes
ToolkitGiven by Captain Lawgof.---NoYes