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Crystal teleport seedMonster Drop.---NoYes
Amulet of naturePlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
SieveGiven to you by Elena in Lletya, or the Chemist in Rimmington.---YesYes
Toxic powderPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Fixed Device60 Ranged to wield.---YesYes
Tarnished keyGiven to you by the Head mourner, in West Ardougne.---YesYes
Tegid's soapObtained by searching the laundry basket near Tegid, in Taverley---YesYes
Crystal teleport seed (8)Given to you by Eluned during Mourning's Ends Part I; Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Mourner cloakMonster drop; Search the chest in Head Mourner's office after completion of Plague's End quest.---YesYes
Mourner trousers (damaged)Monster drop.---YesYes
Mourner glovesMonster drop; Search the chest in Head Mourner's office after completion of Plague's End quest.---YesYes
Mourner bootsMonster drop; Search the chest in Head Mourner's office after completion of Plague's End quest.---YesYes
Bloody mourner topMonster drop.---YesYes
Mourner topPlayer made (See Notes Section); Monster drop; Search the chest in Head Mourner's office after completion of Plague's End quest. ---YesYes
Red toadPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Green toadPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Blue toadPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Yellow toadPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Kelda hopsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Kelda stoutPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Prince tunicCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 2000 coins.---NoNo
Prince leggingsCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 1500 coins.---NoNo
Lederhosen topCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 2000 coins.---NoNo
Lederhosen hatCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 500 coins.---NoNo
Lederhosen shortsCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 1500 coins.---NoNo
Princess blouseExchanged for costume points recieved from a Random event gift at Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock.---NoNo
Princess skirtIt is received as part of the reward for bringing a frog token from the Frogs random event to Thessalia of Thessalia's Fine Clothes in Varrock.---NoNo
Frog maskCan be bought from Iffie at the costume shop in Varrock for 500 coins.---NoNo
Mystery boxReward from the Mysterious Old Man Quiz random event.---NoNo
Stuffed MonkeyPlayer made. ---NoYes
Rune dustPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Rune shardsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Zombie monkey greegree (small)Player made (See Notes section).---NoYes
NettlesEdgeville, on the ground along south wall near the Yew trees; South and east sides of thee Draynor Village prison; East side of Draynor Manor; South of the entrance of Fenkenstrain's Castle; Very south-eastern part of the Haunted Woods; North-east of the Canifis Slayer Master; Near Father Urhney's house in the Lumbridge Swamp.---YesYes
TrolleyGiven to you by Ellamaria at Varrock Castle.---YesYes
Statuette (The Golem)In a cabinet on the second floor of the Varrock Museum.---YesYes
Chest Key (Hazeel Cult)Found in a crate in the basement of the Carnillean's Mansion.---YesYes
Ghostly hoodObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly cloakObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly robe topObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly robe bottomObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly glovesObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Ghostly bootsObtained during The Curse Of Zaros miniquest.---NoYes
Burnt karambwanPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Mouse toyReward from Bob the Cat.---NoYes
Nurse hatGiven to you by the Apothecary in Varrock.---YesYes
Doctors hatGiven to you by the Apothecary in Varrock.---YesYes
PresentReward from the A Tail of Two Cats quest.---YesYes
Overgrown catPlayer Made (See Notes).---NoNo
Solus's hatDropped by Solus Dellagar.---YesYes
CommorbReceived from Sir Tiffy Cashien.---YesYes
Colour wheelFound by searching a dead guard near the Temple of Light during Mourning's Ends Part II and by searching a dead slave during Within the Light.---YesYes
Fishbowl (with fish)Made by getting a tiny fish in the Aquarium and using it with a fishbowl which has water and seaweed in it.---NoYes
Tiny NetBought from Harry in Catherby.---NoYes
An empty boxGiven to you by Harry in Catherby.---NoNo
Seaweed in a boxUsing Ground Seaweed with An Empty Box.---NoYes
Fishbowl (water) Made by adding water to a empty fishbowl.---NoYes
Fishbowl (seaweed)Using seaweed with a Fishbowl (water).---NoYes
ChoresGiven by Bob the cat. ---YesYes
KaramthulhuPlayer made (See Notes Section) and Monster drop.---NoYes
Holy wrenchCreated by Davey blessing a Wrench.---YesYes
Orange goblin mailPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesNo
Ogre gate keyGive to you by Grish, west of Gu'Tanoth.---YesYes
Scrumpled paperThe Scrumpled paper is obtained randomly by talking to Shantay at the Shantay Pass. It will fall out of his pocket.---NoYes
Eastern discoveryFound on the bookshelves in Lletya.---NoYes
Fire capeReward for beating the TzHaar Fight Cave mini-game.---NoYes
Ice CoolerSold by slayer masters.---NoYes
Demonic sigilPlayer made (See Notes).---YesYes
Spade headGotten by trying to dig up a Farming Patch and having it fall apart.---NoYes
Spade handleWhile trying to dig up a Farming Patch, sometimes your spade break apart.---NoYes
Enchanted keyGiven to you by Silver merchant during the Making History quest.
Given to you by Jorral during the Meeting History quest.
Rusty scimitarRusty scimitars are dropped by Zombie pirates, Sorebones, or Zombie swabs.---NoYes
Black desert shirtPlayer made.---NoYes
Black desert robePlayer made.---NoYes
Fishing explosiveCan be bought from slayer masters.---NoYes