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Safety guaranteeGiven to you by Brundt the Chieftain in Rellekka.---YesYes
Ice diamondGiven to you by the Troll child at the icy gate northwest of Trollheim.---YesYes
Silver pot (Desert Treasure)Given to you by Ruantun, in the Draynor sewers, in exchange for a Silver bar. ---YesYes
Blood diamondGiven to you by Malak, at the pub in Canifis, after you have defeated Dessous.---YesYes
Gilded crossInside a chest in the most southwestern tent in the Desert Bandit Camp.---YesYes
SilverwareSearch a crate box in the H.A.M. headquarters.---YesYes
Meeting notesGiven to you by Commander Veldaban.---YesYes
Brooch (Lost Tribe)On the ground in the Lumbridge Castle Cellar Caves.---YesYes
Goblin symbol bookFound on a bookcase in Varrock Castle Library.---YesYes
Minecart ticket (Dwarven Mines)Buy from Cart Conducters for 150 gp in East Keldagrim.0 gpNoYes
Dragon spear (kp)Player made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Book of folkloreWise Old Man's house, search one of the bookshelves.---NoNo
Strange bookWise Old Man's house, search one of the bookshelves.0 gpNoNo
PoleIn the goat's pen at the Mountain Camp.---YesYes
Broken poleFound near Near Ragnar, by the Shimmering Pool, at the Mountain Camp.
If you fail to cross the lake using the Pole in the Mountain Daughter quest, then the Pole will shatter.
Bird's eggFound in bird's nest (random yield from woodcutting).---NoYes
Frog spawnPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Bird nestMay fall out off a tree while Woodcutting; Received from Wyson the gardener in exchange for a Mole claw or Mole skin; Possible reward from Evil Tree Distraction and Diversion; Collected from the Managing Miscellania minigame; Daily reward from the Modified farmer's hat - you'll receive additional nests if you have four or more pieces of the farmer's outfit.---NoYes
Bird nest (empty)Random event (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Spirit seedFound in Bird nests; bought in Vinesweeper; Monster drop.---NoYes
Small pouchReward from the Mage of Zamorak north of Edgeville upon completion of the Mage of Zamorak mini-quest.---NoYes
Medium pouchMonster drop.---NoYes
Scrying orbGiven by the Zamorak mage so you can obtain the spells used to teleport you to the rune essence for him.---YesYes
Large pouchMonster Drop or can be bought from Wizard Korvak for 25,000gp even if you have not gained one from the Abyss before.---NoYes
Abyssal bookReward from the Mage Of Zamorak at the completion of his Miniquest.---NoYes
Giant pouchMonster Drop or can be bought from Wizard Korvak for 50,000gp even if you have not gained one from the Abyss before.---NoYes
Troll potionPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Half a rockPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Asleif's necklaceGiven to you by Ragnar at the lake near the Mountain Camp.---YesYes
Rotten foodWhen a ghast attacks your backpack in the Mort Myre swamps, a food item you are carrying will sometimes become rotten food.0 gpNoYes
Book on costumesRespawns on a bookcase in Keldagrim's library.---YesYes
Exquisite clothesMade by Vermundi in Keldagrim for 200 coins.---YesYes
Right bootObtained by using Telekinetic Grab on it through the window of Dromund's house.---YesYes
Left bootOn the table in Dromund's house.---YesYes
Exquisite bootsPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dwarven battleaxeGiven to you by Santiri.---YesYes
Dwarven battleaxe (with gems)Player made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Dwarven battleaxe (restored)Given to you by Thurgo.---YesYes
Medium pouch (Damaged)Dropped by monsters in the abyss.---NoYes
Flash powderRogue's Den.---NoYes
Rogue trousersRare reward from Flash Powder Factory.---NoYes
Rogue bootsRare reward from Flash Powder Factory.---NoYes
Rogue maskRare reward from Flash Powder Factory. ---NoYes
Rogue glovesRare reward from Flash Powder Factory.---NoYes
Rogue topRare reward from Flash Powder Factory.---NoYes
Rogue kitPurchased from Flash Powder Factory for 35 points. ---NoYes
StethoscopePurchased from Martin Thwait or Dodgy Derek; Obtained from Safe-cracking trainer when you first talk to him about Safecracking.---NoYes
Mystic jewelBrian O'Richard in the Rogue's Den. 0 gpNoYes
Makeover voucherGiven to you by Sir Tiffy Cashien after the Recruitment Drive quest if you were male at the start of the quest.---YesYes
Ring of visibilityReceived from Rasolo, at the Baxtorian Falls, in exchange for a Gilded cross.---YesYes
Tin ore powderOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers. ---YesYes
Display cabinet keyPickpocketed from the Curator Haig Halen.---YesYes
Empty oysterOpening up an Oyster and finding nothing.0 gpNoYes
Dragon inn tankardFound by opening the Ruined backpack during the Zogre Flesh Eaters quest.---YesYes
Ruined backpackDropped by the zombie that appears after searching a skeleton in Zogre dungeon during Zogre Flesh Eaters quest.---YesYes
Embalming manualRespawns on the second floor of the Embalmer's house in Sophanem.---YesYes
Gorilla greegree (bearded)Ape Atoll.---NoYes
Black prismSearch the tomb directly west of the burnt skeleton.---YesYes
Torn pageSearch the broken lectern in the Zogre Dungeon.---YesYes
Sithik portraitPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Book of 'h.a.m'Searching the wardrobe in Sithik Ints' room in Yanille.---YesYes
Necromancy bookSearching the cupboard in Sithik Ints' room in Yanille.---YesYes
Ogre artefactMonster drop (See Notes Section). ---YesYes
Spirit saplingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
ScarecrowPlayer Made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
WeedsRaking farming patches of weeds.0 gpNoNo
Oak saplingPlayer made (See Notes Section).---NoYes
Hourglass (Recruitment Drive)In the room with Sir Tinley. ---YesYes
Cupric ore powderOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers. ---YesYes
Vial of liquidOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers. ---YesYes
Nitrous oxideOn a bookshelf in the room with Miss Cheevers.---YesYes
Catspeak amuletReward from the Icthlarin's Little Helper quest.---YesYes
Sapphire lanternPlayer made (See Notes Section).---YesYes
Crumbling tomeObtained from the Strange Old Man outside of the Barrows Mini-game or on the table in the building East of the entrance to Barrows.---NoYes
Varmen's notesFound by searching the bookcases at the Exam Centre.---YesYes